Exam Name: Control Self-Assessment®
Related Certification(s): IIA Certification in Control Self-Assessment CCSA-IIA Certification
Certification Provider: IIA
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of IIA-CCSA practice questions in our database: 270
Expected IIA-CCSA Exam Topics, as suggested by IIA :
- Module 1: Understanding the risks inherent in common business processes/ Cost/benefit analysis for implementation of the CSA process
- Module 2: Change management and business process reengineering/ Ownership and accountability for control
- Module 3: Comparison to traditional techniques of risk and control evaluation/ Risk management techniques/cost-benefit analysis
- Module 4: Alternative approaches to CSA/ Reporting techniques and considerations
- Module 5: Presentation software and hardware/ Reliance on operational expertise
- Module 6: Application of risk identification and assessment techniques/ Supporting technology alternatives
- Module 7: Strategic and operational planning processes/ Relationship of risk to strategic, operational, or process objectives
- Module 8: Using CSA in enterprise risk management/ Control awareness and education
- Module 9: Formulating recommendations or action plans/ Organizational theory and behavior
- Module 10: Business Objectives and Organizational Performance/ Strategic and operational planning processes
- Module 11: Organizational risk and control processes/ Monitoring, tracking, and follow-up techniques
- Module 12: Objective setting, including alignment to the organization’s mission and values/ Presentation techniques for successful integration
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