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IIA-ACCA Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ACCA CIA Challenge Exam
Exam Code: IIA-ACCA
Related Certification(s): IIA Certified Internal Auditor Certification
Certification Provider: IIA
Number of IIA-ACCA practice questions in our database: 604 
Expected IIA-ACCA Exam Topics, as suggested by IIA :

  • Module 1: Summarize and develop engagement conclusions, including assessment of risks and controls/ Determine the level of staff and resources needed for the engagement
  • Module 2: Describe the chief audit executive’s responsibility for assessing residual risk/ Plan the engagement to assure identification of key risks and controls
  • Module 3: Assess engagement outcomes, including the management action plan/ Determine engagement procedures and prepare the engagement work program
  • Module 4: Manage monitoring and follow-up of the disposition of audit engagement results communicated to management and the board/ Arrange preliminary communication with engagement clients
  • Module 5: Describe data analytics, data types, data governance/ Determine engagement objectives and evaluation criteria and the scope of the engagement
  • Module 6: Communicating Engagement Results and the Acceptance of Risk/ Formulate recommendations to enhance and protect organizational value
  • Module 7: Prepare interim reporting on the engagement progress/ Evaluate the relevance, sufficiency, and reliability of potential sources of evidence
  • Module 8: Develop checklists and risk-and-control questionnaires as part of a preliminary survey of the engagement area/ Identify key activities in supervising engagements
  • Module 9: Demonstrate communication quality/ Describethe process for communicating risk acceptance/ Recognize the application of data analytics methods in internal auditing
  • Module 10: Describe the audit engagement communication and reporting process/ Complete a detailed risk assessment of each audit area, including evaluating and prioritizing risk and control factors
  • Module 11: Prepare work papers and documentation of relevant information to support conclusions and engagement results


Exam Name: ACCA CIA Challenge Exam
Exam Code: IIA-ACCA
Related Certification(s): IIA Certified Internal Auditor Certification
Certification Provider: IIA
Number of IIA-ACCA practice questions in our database: 604 
Expected IIA-ACCA Exam Topics, as suggested by IIA :

  • Module 1: Summarize and develop engagement conclusions, including assessment of risks and controls/ Determine the level of staff and resources needed for the engagement
  • Module 2: Describe the chief audit executive’s responsibility for assessing residual risk/ Plan the engagement to assure identification of key risks and controls
  • Module 3: Assess engagement outcomes, including the management action plan/ Determine engagement procedures and prepare the engagement work program
  • Module 4: Manage monitoring and follow-up of the disposition of audit engagement results communicated to management and the board/ Arrange preliminary communication with engagement clients
  • Module 5: Describe data analytics, data types, data governance/ Determine engagement objectives and evaluation criteria and the scope of the engagement
  • Module 6: Communicating Engagement Results and the Acceptance of Risk/ Formulate recommendations to enhance and protect organizational value
  • Module 7: Prepare interim reporting on the engagement progress/ Evaluate the relevance, sufficiency, and reliability of potential sources of evidence
  • Module 8: Develop checklists and risk-and-control questionnaires as part of a preliminary survey of the engagement area/ Identify key activities in supervising engagements
  • Module 9: Demonstrate communication quality/ Describethe process for communicating risk acceptance/ Recognize the application of data analytics methods in internal auditing
  • Module 10: Describe the audit engagement communication and reporting process/ Complete a detailed risk assessment of each audit area, including evaluating and prioritizing risk and control factors
  • Module 11: Prepare work papers and documentation of relevant information to support conclusions and engagement results


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Q1. An internal auditor is investigating a potential fraudulent activity. What is the first test the auditor should perform on the transaction data under scrutiny?

A.Digital analysis for statistically unlikely occurrences that may indicate system tampering.

B. Verification of the completeness and integrity of the obtained data.

C. Detailed review of the data contents to strategize the best analytical techniques.

D. Calculation of statistical parameters to identify outliers requiring further scrutiny.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. An organization requires an average of 58 days to convert raw materials into finished products to sell. An average of 42 additional days is required to collect receivables. If the organization takes an average of 10 days to pay for the raw materials, how long is its total cash conversion cycle?

A.26 days.

B. 90 days.

C. 100 days.

D. 110 days.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which of the following most accurately describes the purpose of application authentication controls?

A.To ensure that data input into business applications is valid, complete, and accurate.

B. To prevent or detect errors in data processed using business applications.

C. To ensure that business applications are protected from unauthorized logical access.

D. To ensure the validity, accuracy, and completeness of outputs from business applications.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. An organization requires an average of 58 days to convert raw materials into finished products to sell. An average of 42 additional days is required to collect receivables. If the organization takes an average of 10 days to pay for the raw materials, how long is its total cash conversion cycle?

A.26 days.

B. 90 days.

C. 100 days.

D. 110 days.

Correct Answer: B

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