Exam Name: Certified Function Point Specialist
Exam Code: I40-420 CFPS
Related Certification(s): IFPUG Certified Function Point Specialist IFPUG CFPS Certification
Certification Provider: IFPUG
Actual Exam Duration: 180 Minutes
Number of I40-420 practice questions in our database: 249
Expected I40-420 Exam Topics, as suggested by IFPUG :
- Module 1: Definition: This domain covers the foundational knowledge of Function Point Analysis (FPA) rules. Aimed at CPFS Software developers, it covers definitions. Candidates are expected to demonstrate their understanding of the basic concepts and terminology used in FPA, ensuring they can accurately define function points.
- Module 2: Implementation: In this exam section, candidates will learn about applying FPA rules in real-world scenarios. This includes understanding how to implement measurement techniques effectively within projects and organizations, focusing on practical skills that enable accurate function point counting.
- Module 3: Case Study: This domain requires the target audience such as CFPS Project Managers to analyze and apply FPA principles through case studies. Candidates will be assessed on their ability to interpret data, make decisions based on function point metrics, and provide insights that reflect their analytical skills in a practical context.
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