Exam Name: Certified Actuarial Analyst
Exam Code: IFoA_CAA_M0 CAA
Related Certification(s): IFoA Certified Actuarial Analyst CAA Certification
Certification Provider: IFoA
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of IFoA_CAA_M0 practice questions in our database: 64
Expected IFoA_CAA_M0 Exam Topics, as suggested by IFoA :
- Module 1: Explain what is meant by the aggregate claim process and the surplus process for a risk/ Define the adjustment coefficient for a compound Poisson process
- Module 2: Explain the concepts of excesses, deductibles, and retention limits/ Apply the average cost per claim method for estimating outstanding claim amounts
- Module 3: Derive the moment generating function of the sum of N independent random variables/ Risk models involving fr equency and severity distributions
- Module 4: Demonstrate how the basic chain ladder method can be adjusted to make explicitallowance for inflation
- Module 5: Describe the major simplifying assumptions underlying the models in 2(i)/ Describe the operation of simple forms of proportional and excess of loss reinsurance
- Module 6: Define moments and moment generating functions/ Calculate the adjustment coefficient for a compound Poisson process in simple cases
- Module 7: Explain relationships between the different probabilities of ruin/ Risk models involving frequency an dseverity distributions
- Module 8: Apply the basic chain ladder method for completing the run-off triangle/ Define the probability of ruin in infinite/finite and continuous/discrete time
- Module 9: Apply the principles of statistical inference to select suitable loss distributions for setsof claims
- Module 10: Probabilities and Moments of loss destribution both with and without limits an risk-sharing arrangements
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