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IAPP CIPT Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Information Privacy Technologist
Exam Code: CIPT
Related Certification(s): IAPP Certification Programs Certification
Certification Provider: IAPP
Actual Exam Duration: 150 Minutes
Number of CIPT practice questions in our database: 220 
Expected CIPT Exam Topics, as suggested by IAPP :

  • Module 1: Privacy Risks, Threats and Violations: This section of the CIPT exam assesses the ability of information privacy technologists to connect data ethics and data privacy. It also evaluates your proficiency in minimizing privacy risks during personal data collection, use, and dissemination, including mitigating intrusion and decisional interference threats. Finally, your knowledge of software security-related privacy risks will be tested.
  • Module 2: Privacy-Enhancing Strategies, Techniques and Technologies: Information privacy technologists will have their skills evaluated on identifying and implementing data-oriented, process-oriented, and data protection strategies, including privacy-enhancing techniques, in this portion of the CIPT exam.
  • Module 3: Privacy Engineering: This topic tests the understanding of information privacy technologists about privacy engineering organizational role and objectives. Your ability to identify and evaluate privacy design patterns and manage privacy risks throughout the development lifecycle will be measured.
  • Module 4: Evolving or Emerging Technologies in Privacy: In this section, the CIPT exam gauges the comprehension of information privacy technologist about privacy implications related to robotics and IoT, e-commerce, biometrics, and technology use in the workplace.
  • Module 5: Privacy by Design: This section will measure skills of information privacy technologist in implementing the privacy by design methodology, evaluating privacy risks in user experiences, applying Value Sensitive Design, and managing privacy-related functions and controls.
  • Module 6: The Privacy Technologist’s Role in the Context of the Organization: Here, the CIPT exam assesses the grasp of information privacy technologists of general, technical, and specialized roles and responsibilities within an organization.
  • Module 7: Foundational Principles: This section of the CIPT exam will test the knowledge of information privacy technologists about privacy risk models and frameworks, privacy by design principles, privacy-related technology fundamentals, and the data life cycle.


Exam Name: Certified Information Privacy Technologist
Exam Code: CIPT
Related Certification(s): IAPP Certification Programs Certification
Certification Provider: IAPP
Actual Exam Duration: 150 Minutes
Number of CIPT practice questions in our database: 220 
Expected CIPT Exam Topics, as suggested by IAPP :

  • Module 1: Privacy Risks, Threats and Violations: This section of the CIPT exam assesses the ability of information privacy technologists to connect data ethics and data privacy. It also evaluates your proficiency in minimizing privacy risks during personal data collection, use, and dissemination, including mitigating intrusion and decisional interference threats. Finally, your knowledge of software security-related privacy risks will be tested.
  • Module 2: Privacy-Enhancing Strategies, Techniques and Technologies: Information privacy technologists will have their skills evaluated on identifying and implementing data-oriented, process-oriented, and data protection strategies, including privacy-enhancing techniques, in this portion of the CIPT exam.
  • Module 3: Privacy Engineering: This topic tests the understanding of information privacy technologists about privacy engineering organizational role and objectives. Your ability to identify and evaluate privacy design patterns and manage privacy risks throughout the development lifecycle will be measured.
  • Module 4: Evolving or Emerging Technologies in Privacy: In this section, the CIPT exam gauges the comprehension of information privacy technologist about privacy implications related to robotics and IoT, e-commerce, biometrics, and technology use in the workplace.
  • Module 5: Privacy by Design: This section will measure skills of information privacy technologist in implementing the privacy by design methodology, evaluating privacy risks in user experiences, applying Value Sensitive Design, and managing privacy-related functions and controls.
  • Module 6: The Privacy Technologist’s Role in the Context of the Organization: Here, the CIPT exam assesses the grasp of information privacy technologists of general, technical, and specialized roles and responsibilities within an organization.
  • Module 7: Foundational Principles: This section of the CIPT exam will test the knowledge of information privacy technologists about privacy risk models and frameworks, privacy by design principles, privacy-related technology fundamentals, and the data life cycle.


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Q1. Which of the following best describes the basic concept of "Privacy by Design?"

A.The adoption of privacy enhancing technologies.

B. The integration of a privacy program with all lines of business.

C. The implementation of privacy protection through system architecture.

D. The introduction of business process to identify and assess privacy gaps.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which of the following methods does NOT contribute to keeping the data confidential?

A.Differential privacy.

B. Homomorphic encryption.

C. K-anonymity.

D. Referential integrity.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. What is the name of an alternative technique to counter the reduction in use of third-party cookies, where web publishers may consider utilizing data cached by a browser and returned with a subsequent request from the same resource to track unique users?

A.Web beacon tracking.

B. Browser fingerprinting.

C. Entity tagging.

D. Canvas fingerprinting.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Which of the following methods does NOT contribute to keeping the data confidential?

A.Differential privacy.

B. Homomorphic encryption.

C. K-anonymity.

D. Referential integrity.

Correct Answer: D

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