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IAPP CIPM Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)
Exam Code: CIPM
Related Certification(s): IAPP Certified Information Privacy Manager Certification
Certification Provider: IAPP
Actual Exam Duration: 150 Minutes
Number of CIPM practice questions in our database: 180
Expected CIPM Exam Topics, as suggested by IAPP :

  • Module 1: Privacy Program: Developing a Framework: In this topic, the IAPP Information Privacy Manager learns to define the scope of a privacy program and develop a robust strategy aligned with organizational goals. It emphasizes communicating the organization’s vision and mission while ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards. This knowledge underpins the ability to establish a clear, comprehensive foundation for privacy management in alignment with the CIPM exam’s focus.
  • Module 2: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Sustaining Program Performance: This topic gives knowledge about metrics to measure the performance of the privacy program. The topic also covers the audit of the privacy program and management of continuous assessment of the privacy program.
  • Module 3: Privacy Program: Establishing Program Governance: This section equips the Information Privacy Manager with skills to create and implement policies and processes for all privacy program stages. It highlights defining roles and responsibilities, establishing measurable privacy metrics, and fostering training and awareness activities. These governance practices ensure effective oversight and align with CIPM exam objectives, preparing managers to structure and manage privacy programs effectively.
  • Module 4: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Assessing Data: The topic prepares the Information Privacy Manager to document data governance systems and evaluate technical, physical, and environmental controls. It covers assessing processors, third-party vendors, and risks linked to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.
  • Module 5: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Protecting Personal Data: In this topic, the Information Privacy Manager focuses on applying information security practices, embedding Privacy by Design principles, and enforcing technical controls aligned with organizational guidelines.
  • Module 6: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Responding to Requests and Incidents: This section enables the Information Privacy Manager to handle data subject access requests, ensure privacy rights compliance, and follow organizational incident response procedures. Evaluating and refining incident response plans equips managers with the expertise to address incidents effectively.


Exam Name: Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM)
Exam Code: CIPM
Related Certification(s): IAPP Certified Information Privacy Manager Certification
Certification Provider: IAPP
Actual Exam Duration: 150 Minutes
Number of CIPM practice questions in our database: 180
Expected CIPM Exam Topics, as suggested by IAPP :

  • Module 1: Privacy Program: Developing a Framework: In this topic, the IAPP Information Privacy Manager learns to define the scope of a privacy program and develop a robust strategy aligned with organizational goals. It emphasizes communicating the organization’s vision and mission while ensuring compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and standards. This knowledge underpins the ability to establish a clear, comprehensive foundation for privacy management in alignment with the CIPM exam’s focus.
  • Module 2: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Sustaining Program Performance: This topic gives knowledge about metrics to measure the performance of the privacy program. The topic also covers the audit of the privacy program and management of continuous assessment of the privacy program.
  • Module 3: Privacy Program: Establishing Program Governance: This section equips the Information Privacy Manager with skills to create and implement policies and processes for all privacy program stages. It highlights defining roles and responsibilities, establishing measurable privacy metrics, and fostering training and awareness activities. These governance practices ensure effective oversight and align with CIPM exam objectives, preparing managers to structure and manage privacy programs effectively.
  • Module 4: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Assessing Data: The topic prepares the Information Privacy Manager to document data governance systems and evaluate technical, physical, and environmental controls. It covers assessing processors, third-party vendors, and risks linked to mergers, acquisitions, and divestitures.
  • Module 5: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Protecting Personal Data: In this topic, the Information Privacy Manager focuses on applying information security practices, embedding Privacy by Design principles, and enforcing technical controls aligned with organizational guidelines.
  • Module 6: Privacy Program Operational Life Cycle: Responding to Requests and Incidents: This section enables the Information Privacy Manager to handle data subject access requests, ensure privacy rights compliance, and follow organizational incident response procedures. Evaluating and refining incident response plans equips managers with the expertise to address incidents effectively.


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Q1. Which of the following is a physical control that can limit privacy risk?

A.Keypad or biometric access.

B. user access reviews.

C. Encryption.

D. Tokenization.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which of the following is NOT a type of privacy program metric?

A.Business enablement metrics.

B. Data enhancement metrics.

C. Value creation metrics.

D. Commercial metrics.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. Your company provides a SaaS tool for B2B services and does not interact with individual consumers. A client's current employee reaches out with a right to delete request. what is the most appropriate response?

A.Forward the request to the contact on file for the client asking them how they would like you to proceed.

B. Redirect the individual back to their employer to understand their rights and how this might impact access to company tools.

C. Process the request assuming that the individual understands the implications to their organization if their information is deleted.

D. Explain you are unable to process the request because business contact information and associated data is not covered under privacy rights laws.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Which of the following is NOT a type of privacy program metric?

A.Business enablement metrics.

B. Data enhancement metrics.

C. Value creation metrics.

D. Commercial metrics.

Correct Answer: C

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