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HCLSoftware HCL-BF-PRO-10 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: HCL BigFix Platform 10
Exam Code: HCL-BF-PRO-10
Related Certification(s): HCLSoftware Certified Professional Certification
Certification Provider: HCLSoftware
Number of HCL-BF-PRO-10 practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected HCL-BF-PRO-10 Exam Topics, as suggested by HCLSoftware :

  • Module 1: Planning & Architecture: The HCL BigFix Platform 10 HCL-BF-PRO-10 exam assesses a deployment professional’s expertise in determining BigFix Server and Database Requirements/Infrastructure, Network Requirements/Infrastructure, and Platform Components Requirements/Infrastructure. This topic measures skills in planning robust and efficient architectures tailored to specific organizational needs.
  • Module 2: Installation & Configuration: This topic of the HCL-BF-PRO-10 exam evaluates the ability to install and configure BigFix Platform Components, including planning and upgrading these components, and implementing security measures. HCL deployment professionals must demonstrate proficiency in setting up and securing the BigFix environment, ensuring a smooth deployment process.
  • Module 3: Administration & Management: The exam tests the knowledge of BigFix Platform Management and User Management. HCL deployment professionals are assessed on their capabilities to effectively manage the platform and its users, ensuring seamless operations and administration of the BigFix environment.
  • Module 4: Performance Tuning & Troubleshooting: This topic of the HCL BigFix Platform 10 exam gauges the skills required for Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting of the BigFix Platform. It focuses on optimizing system performance and resolving issues, ensuring that HCL deployment professionals can maintain a high-performing and reliable BigFix infrastructure.
  • Module 5: Operations & Usage: Covering the use of the BigFix Console & WebUI, Properties & Analyses, Fixlets, Tasks, & Baselines, Actions, and Reporting, this section evaluates practical operational skills of aspiring HCL deployment professionals. It measures the ability to effectively utilize the platform for day-to-day operations and reporting, ensuring efficient usage of BigFix tools.


Exam Name: HCL BigFix Platform 10
Exam Code: HCL-BF-PRO-10
Related Certification(s): HCLSoftware Certified Professional Certification
Certification Provider: HCLSoftware
Number of HCL-BF-PRO-10 practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected HCL-BF-PRO-10 Exam Topics, as suggested by HCLSoftware :

  • Module 1: Planning & Architecture: The HCL BigFix Platform 10 HCL-BF-PRO-10 exam assesses a deployment professional’s expertise in determining BigFix Server and Database Requirements/Infrastructure, Network Requirements/Infrastructure, and Platform Components Requirements/Infrastructure. This topic measures skills in planning robust and efficient architectures tailored to specific organizational needs.
  • Module 2: Installation & Configuration: This topic of the HCL-BF-PRO-10 exam evaluates the ability to install and configure BigFix Platform Components, including planning and upgrading these components, and implementing security measures. HCL deployment professionals must demonstrate proficiency in setting up and securing the BigFix environment, ensuring a smooth deployment process.
  • Module 3: Administration & Management: The exam tests the knowledge of BigFix Platform Management and User Management. HCL deployment professionals are assessed on their capabilities to effectively manage the platform and its users, ensuring seamless operations and administration of the BigFix environment.
  • Module 4: Performance Tuning & Troubleshooting: This topic of the HCL BigFix Platform 10 exam gauges the skills required for Performance Tuning and Troubleshooting of the BigFix Platform. It focuses on optimizing system performance and resolving issues, ensuring that HCL deployment professionals can maintain a high-performing and reliable BigFix infrastructure.
  • Module 5: Operations & Usage: Covering the use of the BigFix Console & WebUI, Properties & Analyses, Fixlets, Tasks, & Baselines, Actions, and Reporting, this section evaluates practical operational skills of aspiring HCL deployment professionals. It measures the ability to effectively utilize the platform for day-to-day operations and reporting, ensuring efficient usage of BigFix tools.


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Q1. For Windows BigFix Servers, what database management system is required?



C. Oracle Database

D. Microsoft SQL Server

Correct Answer: D

Q2. What is the purpose of the Four Eyes Approval feature?

A.It is used by the BigFix client to authenticate a BigFix operator's deployed actions.

B. It is used to enforce complex BigFix console operator passwords.

C. It is used to prevent console operators from unilaterally taking actions on the endpoints within their control.

D. It is used during the creation of BigFix operators to ensure uniformity.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. When installing the BigFix agent on a Windows endpoint, what file can be used to automatically define desired client settings during installation?


B. clientsettings.cfg

C. clientconfig.txt

D. besclient.config

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What is the purpose of the Four Eyes Approval feature?

A.It is used by the BigFix client to authenticate a BigFix operator's deployed actions.

B. It is used to enforce complex BigFix console operator passwords.

C. It is used to prevent console operators from unilaterally taking actions on the endpoints within their control.

D. It is used during the creation of BigFix operators to ensure uniformity.

Correct Answer: C

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