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HashiCorp Terraform-Associate-003 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003)
Exam Code: Terraform-Associate-003
Related Certification(s): HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification
Certification Provider: HashiCorp
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of Terraform-Associate-003 practice questions in our database: 176
Expected Terraform-Associate-003 Exam Topics, as suggested by HashiCorp :

  • Module 1: Manage resource lifecycle: The section covers topics such as Initializing a configuration using terraform init and its options and generating an execution plan using terraform plan and its options. It also covers the configuration changes using Terraform Apply and its options.
  • Module 2: Develop and troubleshoot dynamic configuration: This section deals with topics such as using language features to validate configuration query providers using data sources, computing and interpolating data using HCL functions, and using meta-arguments in configuration.
  • Module 3: Develop collaborative Terraform workflows: In this section, candidates are tested for their skills related to managing the Terraform binary, providers, and modules using version constraints and setting up remote states. It also covers the utilization of the Terraform workflow in automation.
  • Module 4: Create, maintain, and use Terraform modules: In this section of the exam, candidates are tested for creating a module, using a module in configuration, and topics such as refactoring an existing configuration into modules.
  • Module 5: Configure and use Terraform providers: In this section, topics covered include understanding Terraform’s plugin-based architecture and configuring providers. It also covers aliasing, sourcing, and versioning functions.
  • Module 6: Collaborate on infrastructure as code using HCP Terraform: In this section, the topics covered include analyzing the HCP Terraform run workflow, the role of HCP Terraform workspaces and their configuration options, and the management of provider credentials in HCP Terraform.


Exam Name: HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate (003)
Exam Code: Terraform-Associate-003
Related Certification(s): HashiCorp Infrastructure Automation Certification
Certification Provider: HashiCorp
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of Terraform-Associate-003 practice questions in our database: 176
Expected Terraform-Associate-003 Exam Topics, as suggested by HashiCorp :

  • Module 1: Manage resource lifecycle: The section covers topics such as Initializing a configuration using terraform init and its options and generating an execution plan using terraform plan and its options. It also covers the configuration changes using Terraform Apply and its options.
  • Module 2: Develop and troubleshoot dynamic configuration: This section deals with topics such as using language features to validate configuration query providers using data sources, computing and interpolating data using HCL functions, and using meta-arguments in configuration.
  • Module 3: Develop collaborative Terraform workflows: In this section, candidates are tested for their skills related to managing the Terraform binary, providers, and modules using version constraints and setting up remote states. It also covers the utilization of the Terraform workflow in automation.
  • Module 4: Create, maintain, and use Terraform modules: In this section of the exam, candidates are tested for creating a module, using a module in configuration, and topics such as refactoring an existing configuration into modules.
  • Module 5: Configure and use Terraform providers: In this section, topics covered include understanding Terraform’s plugin-based architecture and configuring providers. It also covers aliasing, sourcing, and versioning functions.
  • Module 6: Collaborate on infrastructure as code using HCP Terraform: In this section, the topics covered include analyzing the HCP Terraform run workflow, the role of HCP Terraform workspaces and their configuration options, and the management of provider credentials in HCP Terraform.


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Q1. A module block is shown in the Exhibit space of this page. When you use a module block to reference a module from the Terraform Registry such as the one in the example, how do you specify version 1.0.0 of the module?

A.Append ?ref=v1.0.0 argument to the source path.

B. You cannot. Modules stored on the public Terraform Registry do not support versioning.

C. Add a version = '1.0.0' attribute to the module block.

D. Nothing. Modules stored on the public Terraform module Registry always default to version 1.0.0.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Terraform configuration can only call modules from the public registry.


B. False

Correct Answer: B

Q3. You want to use API tokens and other secrets within your team's Terraform workspaces. Where does HashiCorp recommend you store these sensitive values? (Pick the 3 correct responses)

A.In an HCP Terraform/Terraform Cloud variable, with the sensitive option checked.

B. In HashiCorp Vault.

C. In a terraform.tfvars file, securely managed and shared with your team.

D. In a terraform.tfvars file, checked into your version control system.

E. In a plaintext document on a shared drive.

Correct Answer: A, B, C

Q4. Which of these actions are forbidden when the Terraform state file is locked? (Pick the 3 correct responses)

A.terraform apply

B. terraform state list

C. terraform destroy

D. terraform fmt

Correct Answer: A, B, C

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