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FSMTB MBLEx Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination
Exam Code: MBLEx
Related Certification(s): FSMTB Certifications
Certification Provider: FSMTB
Number of MBLEx practice questions in our database: 251 
Expected MBLEx Exam Topics, as suggested by FSMTB :

  • Module 1: ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY: The FSMTB MBLEx evaluates the knowledge of aspiring massage therapists about energetic anatomy, system structure, tissue injury and repair, and function.
  • Module 2: KINESIOLOGY: In this topic of the MBLEx exam, FSMTB massage therapists learn about range of motion, skeletal muscle components, muscle locations, contraction concepts, joint structure, and proprioceptors.
  • Module 3: PATHOLOGY, CONTRAINDICATIONS, AREAS OF CAUTION, SPECIAL POPULATIONS: The Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination topic focuses on medication classes, pathologies, special populations, caution areas, and contraindications.
  • Module 4: BENEFITS AND EFFECTS OF SOFT TISSUE MANIPULATION: By covering this topic of the MBLEx exam, FSMTB massage therapists get knowledge about massage modalities, soft tissue manipulation, stroke types, and hot/cold applications.
  • Module 5: CLIENT ASSESSMENT, REASSESSMENT & TREATMENT PLANNING: Sub-topics of this MBLEx exam topic focus on organizing massage sessions, data collection, various assessments, and client consultation and evaluation.
  • Module 6: ETHICS, BOUNDARIES, LAWS, REGULATIONS: This topic of the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination is all about scope of practice, therapeutic relationships, professional boundaries, ethical behavior, and relevant laws.
  • Module 7: GUIDELINES FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Massage therapists who attempt the FSMTB MBLEx learn are required to demonstrate their knowledge about business practices, safe use of equipment, safety practices, draping, sanitation, and the proper and practitioner hygiene.


Exam Name: Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination
Exam Code: MBLEx
Related Certification(s): FSMTB Certifications
Certification Provider: FSMTB
Number of MBLEx practice questions in our database: 251 
Expected MBLEx Exam Topics, as suggested by FSMTB :

  • Module 1: ANATOMY & PHYSIOLOGY: The FSMTB MBLEx evaluates the knowledge of aspiring massage therapists about energetic anatomy, system structure, tissue injury and repair, and function.
  • Module 2: KINESIOLOGY: In this topic of the MBLEx exam, FSMTB massage therapists learn about range of motion, skeletal muscle components, muscle locations, contraction concepts, joint structure, and proprioceptors.
  • Module 3: PATHOLOGY, CONTRAINDICATIONS, AREAS OF CAUTION, SPECIAL POPULATIONS: The Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination topic focuses on medication classes, pathologies, special populations, caution areas, and contraindications.
  • Module 4: BENEFITS AND EFFECTS OF SOFT TISSUE MANIPULATION: By covering this topic of the MBLEx exam, FSMTB massage therapists get knowledge about massage modalities, soft tissue manipulation, stroke types, and hot/cold applications.
  • Module 5: CLIENT ASSESSMENT, REASSESSMENT & TREATMENT PLANNING: Sub-topics of this MBLEx exam topic focus on organizing massage sessions, data collection, various assessments, and client consultation and evaluation.
  • Module 6: ETHICS, BOUNDARIES, LAWS, REGULATIONS: This topic of the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination is all about scope of practice, therapeutic relationships, professional boundaries, ethical behavior, and relevant laws.
  • Module 7: GUIDELINES FOR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: Massage therapists who attempt the FSMTB MBLEx learn are required to demonstrate their knowledge about business practices, safe use of equipment, safety practices, draping, sanitation, and the proper and practitioner hygiene.


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Q1. Which of the following is not found in the nucleus of a cell?


B. Chromatin

C. Chromosomes

D. Lysosomes

Correct Answer: D

Q2. What does the acronym HOPS relate to?

A.full body assessment

B. brain activity monitoring

C. disease assessment

D. strength and endurance training

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Which of the following actions would you initially direct to your client to take in order to test the structure and function of scapulohumeral rhythm?


B. Abduction

C. Internal rotation

D. External rotation

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What does the acronym HOPS relate to?

A.full body assessment

B. brain activity monitoring

C. disease assessment

D. strength and endurance training

Correct Answer: A

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