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F5 Networks 201 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: TMOS Administration
Exam Code: 201
Related Certification(s): F5 Networks TMOS Administration Certification
Certification Provider: F5 Networks
Number of 201 practice questions in our database: 254
Expected 201 Exam Topics, as suggested by F5 Networks :

  • Module 1: Identify the appropriate supporting components and severity levels for an F5 support ticket/ Identify the current configured state of the pool member
  • Module 2: Understand the processes of licensing, license reactivation, and license modification (add-ons)/ Identify the reason a pool member has been marked down by health monitors
  • Module 3: Recognize when a packet capture is needed within the context of a performance issue/ Perform an End User Diagnostic per F5 documentation and collect the output
  • Module 4: Use iApps Analytics to gauge the current running status of application services/ Identify the reason a virtual server is not working as expected
  • Module 5: Provide quantitative and relevant information appropriate for a given issues/ Identify a pool member not in the active priority group
  • Module 6: Given an HA pair, describe the appropriate strategy for deploying a new software image/ Use the dashboard to gauge the current running status of the system
  • Module 7: Identify traffic diverted due to persistence record/ Use BIG-IP tools in order to identify potential performance issues
  • Module 8: Identify which high-level tasks can be automated using BIG-IQ/ Verify remote connectivity to the BIG-IP in order to determine the cause of a management connectivity issues
  • Module 9: Create and restore a UCS archive under the appropriate circumstances/ Force an active unit to standby under the appropriate circumstances
  • Module 10: Given an issue, determine the appropriate severity according to F5 guidelines/ Identify a possible hardware issue within the log files Review the Network Map in order to determine the status of objects/ Identify which modules are licensed and/or provisioned


Exam Name: TMOS Administration
Exam Code: 201
Related Certification(s): F5 Networks TMOS Administration Certification
Certification Provider: F5 Networks
Number of 201 practice questions in our database: 254
Expected 201 Exam Topics, as suggested by F5 Networks :

  • Module 1: Identify the appropriate supporting components and severity levels for an F5 support ticket/ Identify the current configured state of the pool member
  • Module 2: Understand the processes of licensing, license reactivation, and license modification (add-ons)/ Identify the reason a pool member has been marked down by health monitors
  • Module 3: Recognize when a packet capture is needed within the context of a performance issue/ Perform an End User Diagnostic per F5 documentation and collect the output
  • Module 4: Use iApps Analytics to gauge the current running status of application services/ Identify the reason a virtual server is not working as expected
  • Module 5: Provide quantitative and relevant information appropriate for a given issues/ Identify a pool member not in the active priority group
  • Module 6: Given an HA pair, describe the appropriate strategy for deploying a new software image/ Use the dashboard to gauge the current running status of the system
  • Module 7: Identify traffic diverted due to persistence record/ Use BIG-IP tools in order to identify potential performance issues
  • Module 8: Identify which high-level tasks can be automated using BIG-IQ/ Verify remote connectivity to the BIG-IP in order to determine the cause of a management connectivity issues
  • Module 9: Create and restore a UCS archive under the appropriate circumstances/ Force an active unit to standby under the appropriate circumstances
  • Module 10: Given an issue, determine the appropriate severity according to F5 guidelines/ Identify a possible hardware issue within the log files Review the Network Map in order to determine the status of objects/ Identify which modules are licensed and/or provisioned


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Q1. When network failover is enabled, which of the following is true?

A.The failover cable status is ignored. Failover is determined by the network status only.

B. Either a network failure or loss of voltage across the failover cable will cause a failover.

C. A network failure will not cause a failover as long as there is a voltage across the failover cable.

D. The presence or absence of voltage over the fail over cable takes precedence over network failover.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which statement is true concerning a functional iRule?

A.iRules use a proprietary syntax language.

B. iRules must contain at least one event declaration.

C. iRules must contain at least one conditional statement.

D. iRules must contain at least one pool assignment statement.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. As a part of the Setup Utility, the administrator sets the host name for the BIG IP. What would be the result if the two systems in a redundant pair were set to the same host name?

A.Host names do not matter in redundant pair communication.

B. In a redundant pair, the two systems will always have the same host name. The parameter is synchronized between the systems.

C. The first time the systems are synchronized the receiving system will be assigned the same self-IP addresses as the source system.

D. When the administrator attempts to access the configuration utility using the host name, they will always connect to the active system.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which statement is true concerning a functional iRule?

A.iRules use a proprietary syntax language.

B. iRules must contain at least one event declaration.

C. iRules must contain at least one conditional statement.

D. iRules must contain at least one pool assignment statement.

Correct Answer: B

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