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Exin TMSTE Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: TMap Suite Test Engineer
Exam Code: TMSTE
Related Certification(s): Exin TMap Suite Test Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Number of TMSTE practice questions in our database: 30 
Expected TMSTE Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Describe the characteristics, context, advantages and disadvantages of development testing/ Describe testing and evaluation and what testing delivers
  • Module 2: Create test cases based on a given test basis and a given coverage type and/or test design technique/ Describe the test concepts and the advantages of a structured testapproach
  • Module 3: Explain the sequence of thetest activities, and their dependencies/ Describe the importance of Built-in quality in a Quality-driven approach
  • Module 4: Explainand apply thevarious test design techniques/ Name and explain quality characteristics and test types
  • Module 5: Execute an intake on the test basis and process and report the results/ Describe the goal of the Building Blocks
  • Module 6: Describethe Planning, Control and Setting up and maintaining infrastructure phases/ Explain the essential concepts related totest design
  • Module 7: Explain the advantages of using test tools/ Explain the various ways of using test data
  • Module 8: Give examples of activities and objectives of the Preparation, Specification, Execution and Completion phases/ Describe the TMap NEXT essentials
  • Module 9: Explain and apply the various coverage types/ Find a defect and create a defect report


Exam Name: TMap Suite Test Engineer
Exam Code: TMSTE
Related Certification(s): Exin TMap Suite Test Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Number of TMSTE practice questions in our database: 30 
Expected TMSTE Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Describe the characteristics, context, advantages and disadvantages of development testing/ Describe testing and evaluation and what testing delivers
  • Module 2: Create test cases based on a given test basis and a given coverage type and/or test design technique/ Describe the test concepts and the advantages of a structured testapproach
  • Module 3: Explain the sequence of thetest activities, and their dependencies/ Describe the importance of Built-in quality in a Quality-driven approach
  • Module 4: Explainand apply thevarious test design techniques/ Name and explain quality characteristics and test types
  • Module 5: Execute an intake on the test basis and process and report the results/ Describe the goal of the Building Blocks
  • Module 6: Describethe Planning, Control and Setting up and maintaining infrastructure phases/ Explain the essential concepts related totest design
  • Module 7: Explain the advantages of using test tools/ Explain the various ways of using test data
  • Module 8: Give examples of activities and objectives of the Preparation, Specification, Execution and Completion phases/ Describe the TMap NEXT essentials
  • Module 9: Explain and apply the various coverage types/ Find a defect and create a defect report


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Q1. When entering customer information, an e-mail address is required. Which test design technique can be used to test this?

A.Data Combination Test

B. Process Cycle Test

C. Syntactic Test

Correct Answer: C

Q2. What is the most determining factor of the thoroughness of a test?

A.the test design technique used

B. the coverage type used

C. the number of test cases

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What is the primary effect of the use of a service virtualization tool?

A.the dependency of the availability of services decreases

B. the test design effort for testing the services decreases

C. the effort for the test execution of the services decreases

Correct Answer: A

Q4. What is the most determining factor of the thoroughness of a test?

A.the test design technique used

B. the coverage type used

C. the number of test cases

Correct Answer: B

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