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Exin SIAMP Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: EXIN SIAM Professional Exam
Exam Code: SIAMP
Related Certification(s): Exin SIAM Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Number of SIAMP practice questions in our database: 56 
Expected SIAMP Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Discovery and Strategy: In this section, the focus is given to identifying service integration needs and designing the SIAM model.
  • Module 2: Plan and Build: This section of the exam focuses on defining roles, responsibilities, processes, and technologies for SIAM adoption and deployment.
  • Module 3: Implement: In this section, the focus is given to using the SIAM framework in action and establishing governance.
  • Module 4: Run and Improve: In this part, candidates are tested for their ability to operate the SIAM framework. It also covers improving monitoring the performance and making sure that necessary adjustments are made.
  • Module 5: SIAM Practices Across the Stages: In this section of the exam, the focus is given to the application of core practices throughout the whole lifecycle.


Exam Name: EXIN SIAM Professional Exam
Exam Code: SIAMP
Related Certification(s): Exin SIAM Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Number of SIAMP practice questions in our database: 56 
Expected SIAMP Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Discovery and Strategy: In this section, the focus is given to identifying service integration needs and designing the SIAM model.
  • Module 2: Plan and Build: This section of the exam focuses on defining roles, responsibilities, processes, and technologies for SIAM adoption and deployment.
  • Module 3: Implement: In this section, the focus is given to using the SIAM framework in action and establishing governance.
  • Module 4: Run and Improve: In this part, candidates are tested for their ability to operate the SIAM framework. It also covers improving monitoring the performance and making sure that necessary adjustments are made.
  • Module 5: SIAM Practices Across the Stages: In this section of the exam, the focus is given to the application of core practices throughout the whole lifecycle.


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Q1. The SIAM Project Board has decided that the service integrator will be external. The external service integrator has been charged with establishing the governance framework to monitor and measure performance of the ZYX SIAM ecosystem What will contribute most to the complexity of the governance framework?

A.ZYX's merger with a Japanese competitor

B. ZYXD's job descriptions and operating procedures

C. ZYXG's IT strategy and local service providers

D. ZYXUK's lack of attendance at the Change Approval Forum

Correct Answer: A

Q2. rhe corporate strategy of ZYX contains these objectives * Ensure delivery against contracts Invest in and train all ZYX staff Control staff costs Reduce operating costs Be ready to adapt to change Fhe ZYX SIAM strategy including the outline business case and outline SIAM model, has been created by the ZYXH CIO It will be considered for approval at the next neetmg of the ZYX Board of Directors in one week. rhe strategy proposes that: SIAMRUS is the external service integrator ZYXS. ZYXD and the development team from ZYXUK will form a new internal service provider, led by the current ZYXS IT Director The ZYXS IT Director will continue to report to the ZYXH CFO in the new structure The ZYXS IT Director has e mailed a formal complaint directly to the CEO about this strategy She believes that a hybnd service integrator structure, using capabilities from both SIAMRUS and ZYXS, would be a better option for ZYX What should ZYXS do to get the ZYXS IT Director to buy into the SIAM strategy?

A.Ask the ZYXH CFO and ZYXH CIO to meet with the ZYXS IT Director to understand her concerns

B. Carry out an awareness campaign to brief all staff in ZYXS ZYXD, and ZYXUK

C. Remind the ZYXS IT Director that the ZYX Board of Directors will make the final decision on the SIAM strategy

D. Resend copies of the outline business case and the outline SIAM model to the ZYXS IT Director

Correct Answer: A

Q3. ZYX has now appointed SIAMRUS as the service integrator and has started to plan and build the new SIAM ecosystem Initially the new SIAM model will be supported by the existing service providers. In a recent program progress meeting, it was highlighted that the planned Organizational Change Management (OCM) initiative has a high cost What approach should be taken to ensure that the OCM initiative for the service providers will cost effectively support the transition to SIAM?

A.A major predicted cost relates to BANKSCO. Since the introduction of NEWBNK is imminent, the scope of OCM should be reduced by leaving out BANKSCO. This would enable additional funds to be available for the adoption of the ADKAR change model Using this disciplined approach for the transition of all the remaining service providers would ensure a successful and cost-effective transition to the new SIAM model

B. Exclude OUTSCO as they already have an established approach to service provision and have communication links in place with the other service providers This significantly reduces the scale of the OCM initiative, and therefore helps to control costs Concentrate on ensuring that the other service providers are aware of the changes, and assess their desire for success using liaison with their appointed OCM representatives.

C. Reduce the scope of the OCM initiative so that the commodity service providers are only made aware of the changes and how they will be affected by them Arrange for all the other service providers to nominate a dedicated OCM representative to ensure effective communication with all the remaining parties involved Undertake specific training in the cross-provider ways of working using Computer Based Training.

D. The scope of OCM should include all service providers and be based on a recognized change model such as ADKAR The intentions of large established providers including OUTSCO and NETSCO should be fully understood, as there might be potential conflicts of interest which need to be addressed. The OCM activities should be tailored to the characteristics of the service providers. This will assist in controlling costs

Correct Answer: D

Q4. rhe corporate strategy of ZYX contains these objectives * Ensure delivery against contracts Invest in and train all ZYX staff Control staff costs Reduce operating costs Be ready to adapt to change Fhe ZYX SIAM strategy including the outline business case and outline SIAM model, has been created by the ZYXH CIO It will be considered for approval at the next neetmg of the ZYX Board of Directors in one week. rhe strategy proposes that: SIAMRUS is the external service integrator ZYXS. ZYXD and the development team from ZYXUK will form a new internal service provider, led by the current ZYXS IT Director The ZYXS IT Director will continue to report to the ZYXH CFO in the new structure The ZYXS IT Director has e mailed a formal complaint directly to the CEO about this strategy She believes that a hybnd service integrator structure, using capabilities from both SIAMRUS and ZYXS, would be a better option for ZYX What should ZYXS do to get the ZYXS IT Director to buy into the SIAM strategy?

A.Ask the ZYXH CFO and ZYXH CIO to meet with the ZYXS IT Director to understand her concerns

B. Carry out an awareness campaign to brief all staff in ZYXS ZYXD, and ZYXUK

C. Remind the ZYXS IT Director that the ZYX Board of Directors will make the final decision on the SIAM strategy

D. Resend copies of the outline business case and the outline SIAM model to the ZYXS IT Director

Correct Answer: A

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