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Exin SIAMF Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: BCS Service Integration and Management
Exam Code: SIAMF
Related Certification(s): Exin BCS SIAM Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Number of SIAMF practice questions in our database: 40
Expected SIAMF Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Describe the challenges associated with measuring success and its mitigations/ Distinguish between the different SIAM implementation key stages
  • Module 2: Describe the technology practices of creating a tooling strategy/ Outline the purpose and value of a SIAM approach
  • Module 3: Describe the measurement practices of enabling and reporting on end-to-end services/ Describe the people practices of managing cross functional teams
  • Module 4: Explain SIAM roles and responsibilities, SIAM structural elements/ Outline the importance of security, the associated risks and mitigations
  • Module 5: Describe the importance of cultural fitand behaviors, the associated risks and mitigations/ Describe the process practices of integrating processes across service providers
  • Module 6: Describe the importance of the level of control and ownership, the associated challenges and mitigations/ Define the commercial challenges, the challenges with legacy contracts and their mitigations
  • Module 7: Outline the main objectives, triggers, inputs, activities and outputs in the Run & Improve stage, Build stage & Strategy stage


Exam Name: BCS Service Integration and Management
Exam Code: SIAMF
Related Certification(s): Exin BCS SIAM Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Number of SIAMF practice questions in our database: 40
Expected SIAMF Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Describe the challenges associated with measuring success and its mitigations/ Distinguish between the different SIAM implementation key stages
  • Module 2: Describe the technology practices of creating a tooling strategy/ Outline the purpose and value of a SIAM approach
  • Module 3: Describe the measurement practices of enabling and reporting on end-to-end services/ Describe the people practices of managing cross functional teams
  • Module 4: Explain SIAM roles and responsibilities, SIAM structural elements/ Outline the importance of security, the associated risks and mitigations
  • Module 5: Describe the importance of cultural fitand behaviors, the associated risks and mitigations/ Describe the process practices of integrating processes across service providers
  • Module 6: Describe the importance of the level of control and ownership, the associated challenges and mitigations/ Define the commercial challenges, the challenges with legacy contracts and their mitigations
  • Module 7: Outline the main objectives, triggers, inputs, activities and outputs in the Run & Improve stage, Build stage & Strategy stage


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Q1. What is a characteristic of the layers in a SIAM ecosystem?

A.The service integrator is independent from the retained capabilities, even if it is internally sourced.

B. The service integrator layer cannot be provided by the customer organization.

C. The service providers cannot be part of the customer organization.

D. The service provider layer is where end-to-end service governance, assurance and coordination is performed.

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Within SIAM, what does not support effective management of cross-functional teams?

A.clear goals and objectives

B. knowledge, data and information

C. roles and responsibilities

D. world class toolset

Correct Answer: D

Q3. What is the objective of the Implement stage of the SIAM roadmap?

A.complete the design of the SIAM model, including the services that are in scope

B. define the strategy and outline the model for SIAM and the services in scope

C. manage day to day service delivery, processes, teams and tools

D. manage the transition of the previous ecosystem from the current state to the desired state

Correct Answer: D

Q4. When an incident occurs, what approach should a service provider adopt in order to overcome the challenges of cross-functional teams?

A.argue first, fix later

B. fix first, argue later

C. Ishikawa approach

D. Root-cause analysis

Correct Answer: B

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