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Exin CLOUDF Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation
Exam Code: CLOUDF
Related Certification(s): Exin Cloud Computing Foundation Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of CLOUDF practice questions in our database: 112 
Expected CLOUDF Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: The Principles of Cloud Computing: This section of the exam measures the skills of cloud architects and covers fundamental concepts and definitions of cloud computing. It explores various cloud service models like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), as well as deployment models including public, private, and hybrid clouds. The exam assesses understanding of cloud architecture, including the ability to explain the value proposition of cloud computing.
  • Module 2: Using and Accessing the Cloud: This section measures the skills of cloud administrators and covers practical aspects of utilizing cloud services. It includes topics such as cloud infrastructure management systems, storage solutions, and database technologies specific to cloud environments.
  • Module 3: Security and Compliance: This domain assesses the skills of cloud security analysts and focuses on critical security considerations in cloud computing. It covers cloud security standards, compliance frameworks, and best practices for securing cloud environments.
  • Module 4: Implementing and Managing Cloud Computing: This section evaluates the skills of cloud engineers and covers the practical aspects of deploying and operating cloud solutions. It includes topics such as cloud migration strategies, performance optimization, cost management, and operational best practices.
  • Module 5: Evaluation of Cloud Computing: This domain measures the skills of cloud consultants and focuses on assessing and optimizing cloud solutions. It covers topics such as cloud performance tuning, cost-benefit analysis, and service level agreements.


Exam Name: EXIN Cloud Computing Foundation
Exam Code: CLOUDF
Related Certification(s): Exin Cloud Computing Foundation Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of CLOUDF practice questions in our database: 112 
Expected CLOUDF Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: The Principles of Cloud Computing: This section of the exam measures the skills of cloud architects and covers fundamental concepts and definitions of cloud computing. It explores various cloud service models like Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS), as well as deployment models including public, private, and hybrid clouds. The exam assesses understanding of cloud architecture, including the ability to explain the value proposition of cloud computing.
  • Module 2: Using and Accessing the Cloud: This section measures the skills of cloud administrators and covers practical aspects of utilizing cloud services. It includes topics such as cloud infrastructure management systems, storage solutions, and database technologies specific to cloud environments.
  • Module 3: Security and Compliance: This domain assesses the skills of cloud security analysts and focuses on critical security considerations in cloud computing. It covers cloud security standards, compliance frameworks, and best practices for securing cloud environments.
  • Module 4: Implementing and Managing Cloud Computing: This section evaluates the skills of cloud engineers and covers the practical aspects of deploying and operating cloud solutions. It includes topics such as cloud migration strategies, performance optimization, cost management, and operational best practices.
  • Module 5: Evaluation of Cloud Computing: This domain measures the skills of cloud consultants and focuses on assessing and optimizing cloud solutions. It covers topics such as cloud performance tuning, cost-benefit analysis, and service level agreements.


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Q1. What is the goal of an ISO/IEC 20000 follow-up audit?

A.To change procedures and working instructions

B. To check if the organization still fulfills the ISO/IEC 20000 requirements

C. To implement additional processes within the Cloud provider's organization

D. To pay specific attention to the Change management process

Correct Answer: B

Q2. What is an important benefit of using a hybrid model for cloud services?

A.It allows the purchaser to save money in infrastructure and licenses.

B. It allows the separation of sensitive data from less sensitive data.

C. It provides better performance.

D. It provides the best client/server experience in a cloud environment.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What is the simplest way of consuming Cloud services for general purposes?

A.Communication as a Service (CaaS)

B. Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

C. Platform as a Service (PaaS)

D. Software as a Service (SaaS)

Correct Answer: D

Q4. What is an important benefit of using a hybrid model for cloud services?

A.It allows the purchaser to save money in infrastructure and licenses.

B. It allows the separation of sensitive data from less sensitive data.

C. It provides better performance.

D. It provides the best client/server experience in a cloud environment.

Correct Answer: B

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