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Exin CDCP Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Data Centre Professional Exam
Exam Code: CDCP
Related Certification(s): Exin Data Centre Professional Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of CDCP practice questions in our database: 73 
Expected CDCP Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Data Centre Location, Building and Construction: It focuses on appropriate sites and components of an effective data centre and supporting facilities setup.
  • Module 2: Raised Floor/Suspended Ceiling: The topic discusses applicable standards, signal reference grid, and disability act and regulations.
  • Module 3: Light: This topic covers light fixture types and placement, emergency lighting, and emergency Power Supply (EPS).
  • Module 4: Power Infrastructure: It focuses ATS and STS systems, redundancy levels and techniques, static and dynamic UPS systems, battery types, thermo-graphics, and renewable energy factor (REF).
  • Module 5: Electro Magnetic Fields: The topic deals with effects of EMF on human health and equipment (H)EMP, standards, and EMF shielding solutions.
  • Module 6: Equipment Racks: It discusses power rail/strip options, security considerations, and rack standards, properties and selection criteria.
  • Module 7: Cooling Infrastructure: The topic focuses on liquid immersion cooling, supplemental cooling options, sensible and latent heat definitions, and temperature and humidity recommendations.
  • Module 8: Water Supply: This topic is all about water supply techniques and application areas.
  • Module 9: Designing a Scalable Network Infrastructure: It covers ANSI/TIA-942 cabling hierarchy, network redundancy, structured Cabling System, and planning considerations.
  • Module 10: Fire Safety/Protection: This topic gives an understanding of standards for fire suppression, detection systems, total flooding fire suppression techniques, and handheld extinguishers. Additionally, it covers Signage and safety.
  • Module 11: Physical Security and Safety: Sub-topics are about physical security considerations and physical safety considerations.
  • Module 12: Auxiliary Systems: The topic covers water leak detection systems, data centre monitoring requirements, EMS, BMS and DCIM.


Exam Name: Certified Data Centre Professional Exam
Exam Code: CDCP
Related Certification(s): Exin Data Centre Professional Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of CDCP practice questions in our database: 73 
Expected CDCP Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Data Centre Location, Building and Construction: It focuses on appropriate sites and components of an effective data centre and supporting facilities setup.
  • Module 2: Raised Floor/Suspended Ceiling: The topic discusses applicable standards, signal reference grid, and disability act and regulations.
  • Module 3: Light: This topic covers light fixture types and placement, emergency lighting, and emergency Power Supply (EPS).
  • Module 4: Power Infrastructure: It focuses ATS and STS systems, redundancy levels and techniques, static and dynamic UPS systems, battery types, thermo-graphics, and renewable energy factor (REF).
  • Module 5: Electro Magnetic Fields: The topic deals with effects of EMF on human health and equipment (H)EMP, standards, and EMF shielding solutions.
  • Module 6: Equipment Racks: It discusses power rail/strip options, security considerations, and rack standards, properties and selection criteria.
  • Module 7: Cooling Infrastructure: The topic focuses on liquid immersion cooling, supplemental cooling options, sensible and latent heat definitions, and temperature and humidity recommendations.
  • Module 8: Water Supply: This topic is all about water supply techniques and application areas.
  • Module 9: Designing a Scalable Network Infrastructure: It covers ANSI/TIA-942 cabling hierarchy, network redundancy, structured Cabling System, and planning considerations.
  • Module 10: Fire Safety/Protection: This topic gives an understanding of standards for fire suppression, detection systems, total flooding fire suppression techniques, and handheld extinguishers. Additionally, it covers Signage and safety.
  • Module 11: Physical Security and Safety: Sub-topics are about physical security considerations and physical safety considerations.
  • Module 12: Auxiliary Systems: The topic covers water leak detection systems, data centre monitoring requirements, EMS, BMS and DCIM.


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Q1. What is the primary reason to install a monitoring system in the data centre?

A.To notice abnormalities early so that actions can be taken to avoid disasters

B. To create a proper asset database

C. To implement automated change management

D. To be able to collect data for capacity planning

Correct Answer: A

Q2. What is the purpose of a service corridor?

A.To create a secure and conditioned environment where media can be stored in a controlled manner.

B. It is a generic name for pathways leading to other rooms that contains facility supporting equipment like the UPS room, battery room, generator room etc.

C. It provides a safe, vented and secure area where standby generators can operate safely.

D. It provides a secure area where supporting facilities can be serviced and monitored on a 24x7 basis without disturbing the computer room.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Which of statements below is true?

A.Single-mode cabling can use both LED and laser as a light source.

B. Single-mode cabling is more expensive than multi-mode cabling.

C. Multi-mode cabling can cross longer distances.

D. Multi-mode cabling is more expensive than single-mode cabling.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. What is the purpose of a service corridor?

A.To create a secure and conditioned environment where media can be stored in a controlled manner.

B. It is a generic name for pathways leading to other rooms that contains facility supporting equipment like the UPS room, battery room, generator room etc.

C. It provides a safe, vented and secure area where standby generators can operate safely.

D. It provides a secure area where supporting facilities can be serviced and monitored on a 24x7 basis without disturbing the computer room.

Correct Answer: D

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