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Exin ASF Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation
Exam Code: ASF
Related Certification(s): Exin Agile Scrum Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of ASF practice questions in our database: 59 
Expected ASF Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Explain estimation techniques: Planning Poker, Triangulation and Affinity Estimation/ Explain the role of the Development Team
  • Module 2: Explain the characteristics of the Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective/ Explain the characteristics of a good Product and Sprint Backlog
  • Module 3: Understand how to compute estimates using Ideal Days or Story Points/ Understand the concept and value of information radiators
  • Module 4: Recognize how to apply Scrum with distributed teams/ Recognize how transformationto an Agile environment works
  • Module 5: Recognize Agile methods and practices other than Scrum/ Understand how to compute the Velocity of the team
  • Module 6: Understand how to create an Agile workspace/ Explain how to refine the Product Backlog items
  • Module 7: Recognize how Agility brings value, predictability and flexibility/ Understand different types of contracts in Scrum
  • Module8: Explain the characteristics of the Daily Scrum/ Understand the rituals and the importance of the Daily Scrum
  • Module 9: Recognize how to apply Scrum in large, complex projects/ Recognize how to apply Scrum in large, complex projects
  • Module 10: Explain the characteristics of timeboxed events/ Recognize the role of a traditional Project Manager
  • Module 11: Understand how to monitor Sprint progress/ Explain what happens during Sprint Planning meetings
  • Module 12: understand how Backlog items are ordered/ Recognize good User Stories and Backlog items


Exam Name: EXIN Agile Scrum Foundation
Exam Code: ASF
Related Certification(s): Exin Agile Scrum Certification
Certification Provider: Exin
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of ASF practice questions in our database: 59 
Expected ASF Exam Topics, as suggested by Exin :

  • Module 1: Explain estimation techniques: Planning Poker, Triangulation and Affinity Estimation/ Explain the role of the Development Team
  • Module 2: Explain the characteristics of the Sprint Review and the Sprint Retrospective/ Explain the characteristics of a good Product and Sprint Backlog
  • Module 3: Understand how to compute estimates using Ideal Days or Story Points/ Understand the concept and value of information radiators
  • Module 4: Recognize how to apply Scrum with distributed teams/ Recognize how transformationto an Agile environment works
  • Module 5: Recognize Agile methods and practices other than Scrum/ Understand how to compute the Velocity of the team
  • Module 6: Understand how to create an Agile workspace/ Explain how to refine the Product Backlog items
  • Module 7: Recognize how Agility brings value, predictability and flexibility/ Understand different types of contracts in Scrum
  • Module8: Explain the characteristics of the Daily Scrum/ Understand the rituals and the importance of the Daily Scrum
  • Module 9: Recognize how to apply Scrum in large, complex projects/ Recognize how to apply Scrum in large, complex projects
  • Module 10: Explain the characteristics of timeboxed events/ Recognize the role of a traditional Project Manager
  • Module 11: Understand how to monitor Sprint progress/ Explain what happens during Sprint Planning meetings
  • Module 12: understand how Backlog items are ordered/ Recognize good User Stories and Backlog items


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Q1. Why does the Daily Scrum need to be held at the same location and time?

A.The booking of a room needs to be done in advance for the duration of the Sprint.

B. The constant time and place is best for continuity of the Scrum framework.

C. The Project Manager needs to get the status updates at a given time every day.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. What is a Scrum-of-Scrums?

A.A meeting for management to get insight into the working of teams.

B. A meeting for Scrum Masters of international Scrum teams.

C. A meeting to coordinate the work of multiple Scrum teams.

D. A meeting to show the customer an update of the product.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. During a Sprint Planning session, the team argues about the work estimates for a particular story. The Product Owner estimates five days. The Lead Architect estimates two days. The Scrum Master estimates eight days. The team member working on it estimates seven days. What value (in days) should be used for planning?


B. 5

C. 7

D. 8

Correct Answer: C

Q4. What is a Scrum-of-Scrums?

A.A meeting for management to get insight into the working of teams.

B. A meeting for Scrum Masters of international Scrum teams.

C. A meeting to coordinate the work of multiple Scrum teams.

D. A meeting to show the customer an update of the product.

Correct Answer: C

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