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Ericsson ECP-206 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Ericsson Certified Associate – IP Networking
Exam Code: ECP-206
Related Certification(s): Ericsson Certified Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Ericsson
Number of ECP-206 practice questions in our database: 60
Expected ECP-206 Exam Topics, as suggested by Ericsson :

  • Module 1: IP Addressing (IPv4, IPv6): For network engineers and technicians, this section of the exam covers IP addressing schemes, subnetting, and IP address allocation in Ericsson networks.
  • Module 2: Subnetting: For network engineers and technicians, this particular domain covers subnet mask calculations, CIDR notation, and subnet design.
  • Module 3: Routing Protocols (OSPF, BGP, RIP): For network engineers, this section of the exam covers configuration, troubleshooting, and optimization of routing protocols in Ericsson routers.
  • Module 4: Network Address Translation (NAT): For network engineers, this section is about knowing the NAT concepts, configurations, and how to maintain such networks.
  • Module 5: Network Security and Firewalls: For network engineers and security engineers, this section of the exam covers firewall configuration, ACL adoption, and the best standards of security.
  • Module 6: Network Troubleshooting: For network engineers, in this section, the focus is on the maintenance of networks and tools. It covers vital network issues of Ericsson networks.
  • Module 7: Ericsson IP networking products and solutions: This section of the exam measures the skills of network engineers and covers Ericsson routers, switches, and other IP networking products.


Exam Name: Ericsson Certified Associate – IP Networking
Exam Code: ECP-206
Related Certification(s): Ericsson Certified Associate Certification
Certification Provider: Ericsson
Number of ECP-206 practice questions in our database: 60
Expected ECP-206 Exam Topics, as suggested by Ericsson :

  • Module 1: IP Addressing (IPv4, IPv6): For network engineers and technicians, this section of the exam covers IP addressing schemes, subnetting, and IP address allocation in Ericsson networks.
  • Module 2: Subnetting: For network engineers and technicians, this particular domain covers subnet mask calculations, CIDR notation, and subnet design.
  • Module 3: Routing Protocols (OSPF, BGP, RIP): For network engineers, this section of the exam covers configuration, troubleshooting, and optimization of routing protocols in Ericsson routers.
  • Module 4: Network Address Translation (NAT): For network engineers, this section is about knowing the NAT concepts, configurations, and how to maintain such networks.
  • Module 5: Network Security and Firewalls: For network engineers and security engineers, this section of the exam covers firewall configuration, ACL adoption, and the best standards of security.
  • Module 6: Network Troubleshooting: For network engineers, in this section, the focus is on the maintenance of networks and tools. It covers vital network issues of Ericsson networks.
  • Module 7: Ericsson IP networking products and solutions: This section of the exam measures the skills of network engineers and covers Ericsson routers, switches, and other IP networking products.


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Q1. Which conceptual table created by routing protocols is used when processing an IP packet?

A.management information base

B. label information base

C. traffic engineering data base

D. forwarding information base

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Which statement accurately defines an Autonomous System (AS)?

A.An AS is a set of routers under a single administration, using an interior gateway protocol and common metrics to route packets within the AS.

B. An AS is a group of networks directly connected to each other that can distribute eBGP information using directly established links.

C. An AS is a network that is capable of autonomously forwarding packets, regardless of direct or indirect connectivity to the Internet.

D. An AS is a collection of IS-IS routes imported into BGP and presented in such a way that networks connected to the AS have a global overview of the network.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. In a company network, a host sends an Ethernet frame destined to the address FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF. What will an Ethernet switch do with this frame?

A.It will forward the frame to only one port.

B. It will forward the frame to all ports.

C. It will drop it.

D. It will send the frame only to management port.

Correct Answer: B

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