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Dell EMC D-XTR-DS-A-24 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Dell XtremIO Design Achievement
Exam Code: D-XTR-DS-A-24
Related Certification(s): Dell EMC XtremIO Design Certification
Certification Provider: Dell EMC
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of D-XTR-DS-A-24 practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected D-XTR-DS-A-24 Exam Topics, as suggested by Dell EMC :

  • Module 1: XtremIO and X2 Operations and Management: For storage administrators and IT professionals, this section of the exam covers the core components and functionalities of XtremIO and XtremIO X2 storage systems. It encompasses hardware and software components specific to XtremIO X2, architectural distinctions between XtremIO and XtremIO X2, and management of the XtremIO X2 Management Server.
  • Module 2: Host Configurations in XtremIO and X2 Environments: For system administrators and storage specialists, this section explores various host configurations crucial for optimal performance in XtremIO and XtremIO X2 environments. It covers common setups like host bus adapters (HBAs) and multipathing, as well as ESXi-specific configurations. The section also addresses configurations for other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, and HP-UX, ensuring broad compatibility and performance across different IT environments.
  • Module 3: XtremIO X2 Data Replication: For data protection specialists and storage administrators, this section focuses on data replication operations and management within XtremIO X2 systems. It covers XtremIO X2 snapshot creation and management for data backup and recovery. The section also explains RecoverPoint operations for local and remote replication with XtremIO X2, offering comprehensive data protection and disaster recovery solutions.
  • Module 4: XtremIO X2 Optimization and Performance Management: For performance analysts and storage administrators, this section addresses XtremIO X2 system optimization and performance management. It provides an overview of performance metrics, XtremIO X2 architecture, and the application of environmental, host, and benchmarking tools for performance measurement and improvement.
  • Module 5: Positioning XtremIO and X2: For sales engineers and solution architects, this section explores the benefits and positioning of XtremIO and XtremIO X2 storage solutions. It highlights All-Flash array advantages and XtremIO’s specific benefits, including high performance and efficiency. The section covers XMS Simulator usage for demonstrations, post-processing operation benefits, and XtremIO Data Protection (XDP) performance value.
  • Module 6: Designing an XtremIO X2 Solution: For solution architects and storage designers, this comprehensive section addresses design considerations and best practices for XtremIO X2 solutions. It covers performance design considerations to meet required standards, and designing solutions with features like deduplication, compression, encryption, and replication.


Exam Name: Dell XtremIO Design Achievement
Exam Code: D-XTR-DS-A-24
Related Certification(s): Dell EMC XtremIO Design Certification
Certification Provider: Dell EMC
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of D-XTR-DS-A-24 practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected D-XTR-DS-A-24 Exam Topics, as suggested by Dell EMC :

  • Module 1: XtremIO and X2 Operations and Management: For storage administrators and IT professionals, this section of the exam covers the core components and functionalities of XtremIO and XtremIO X2 storage systems. It encompasses hardware and software components specific to XtremIO X2, architectural distinctions between XtremIO and XtremIO X2, and management of the XtremIO X2 Management Server.
  • Module 2: Host Configurations in XtremIO and X2 Environments: For system administrators and storage specialists, this section explores various host configurations crucial for optimal performance in XtremIO and XtremIO X2 environments. It covers common setups like host bus adapters (HBAs) and multipathing, as well as ESXi-specific configurations. The section also addresses configurations for other operating systems such as Microsoft Windows, Linux, Sun Solaris, IBM AIX, and HP-UX, ensuring broad compatibility and performance across different IT environments.
  • Module 3: XtremIO X2 Data Replication: For data protection specialists and storage administrators, this section focuses on data replication operations and management within XtremIO X2 systems. It covers XtremIO X2 snapshot creation and management for data backup and recovery. The section also explains RecoverPoint operations for local and remote replication with XtremIO X2, offering comprehensive data protection and disaster recovery solutions.
  • Module 4: XtremIO X2 Optimization and Performance Management: For performance analysts and storage administrators, this section addresses XtremIO X2 system optimization and performance management. It provides an overview of performance metrics, XtremIO X2 architecture, and the application of environmental, host, and benchmarking tools for performance measurement and improvement.
  • Module 5: Positioning XtremIO and X2: For sales engineers and solution architects, this section explores the benefits and positioning of XtremIO and XtremIO X2 storage solutions. It highlights All-Flash array advantages and XtremIO’s specific benefits, including high performance and efficiency. The section covers XMS Simulator usage for demonstrations, post-processing operation benefits, and XtremIO Data Protection (XDP) performance value.
  • Module 6: Designing an XtremIO X2 Solution: For solution architects and storage designers, this comprehensive section addresses design considerations and best practices for XtremIO X2 solutions. It covers performance design considerations to meet required standards, and designing solutions with features like deduplication, compression, encryption, and replication.


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Q1. What is the recommended execution throttle setting for Windows, Linux, and VMware for Qlogic adapters?


B. 1024

C. 16384

D. 32

Correct Answer: A

Q2. When troubleshooting SAN performance problems what would be a key indicator of a physical issue?

A.High CRC error count

B. High Buffer to Buffer Credits

C. Low Buffer to Buffer Credits

D. High Class 3 Discards

Correct Answer: A

Q3. What is an accurate statement about XtremIO XVC refresh operations?

A.Only snapshot-to-production refresh is supported

B. O/S side device scan is not required

C. Unmount of a production volume is not required

D. Refreshed volume cannot be resized

Correct Answer: C

Q4. When troubleshooting SAN performance problems what would be a key indicator of a physical issue?

A.High CRC error count

B. High Buffer to Buffer Credits

C. Low Buffer to Buffer Credits

D. High Class 3 Discards

Correct Answer: A

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