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Eccouncil 312-40 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE)
Exam Code: 312-40
Related Certification(s): Eccouncil Certified Cloud Security Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Eccouncil
Number of 312-40 practice questions in our database: 125
Expected 312-40 Exam Topics, as suggested by Eccouncil :

  • Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Security: This topic covers core concepts of cloud computing, cloud-based threats, cloud service models, and vulnerabilities.
  • Module 2: Platform and Infrastructure Security in the Cloud: It explores key technologies and components that form a cloud architecture.
  • Module 3: Application Security in the Cloud: The focus of this topic is the explanation of secure software development lifecycle changes and the security of cloud applications.
  • Module 4: Data Security in the Cloud: This topic covers the basics of cloud data storage. Additionally, it covers the lifecycle of cloud storage data and different controls to protect cloud data at rest and data in transit.
  • Module 5: Operation Security in the Cloud: The topic encompasses different security controls which are essential to build, implement, operate, manage, and maintain physical and logical infrastructures for cloud.
  • Module 6: Penetration Testing in the Cloud: It demonstrates how to implement comprehensive penetration testing to assess the security of a company’s cloud infrastructure.
  • Module 7: Incident Detection and Response in the Cloud: This topic focuses on various aspects of incident response.
  • Module 8: Forensic Investigation in the Cloud: This topic is related to the forensic investigation process in cloud computing. It includes data collection methods and cloud forensic challenges.
  • Module 9: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud: It highlights the significance of business continuity and planning of disaster recovery in IR.
  • Module 10: Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance in the Cloud: This topic focuses on different governance frameworks, models, regulations, design, and implementation of governance frameworks in the cloud.
  • Module 11: Standards, Policies, and Legal Issues in the Cloud: The topic discusses different legal issues, policies, and standards that are associated with the cloud.


Exam Name: Certified Cloud Security Engineer (CCSE)
Exam Code: 312-40
Related Certification(s): Eccouncil Certified Cloud Security Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Eccouncil
Number of 312-40 practice questions in our database: 125
Expected 312-40 Exam Topics, as suggested by Eccouncil :

  • Module 1: Introduction to Cloud Security: This topic covers core concepts of cloud computing, cloud-based threats, cloud service models, and vulnerabilities.
  • Module 2: Platform and Infrastructure Security in the Cloud: It explores key technologies and components that form a cloud architecture.
  • Module 3: Application Security in the Cloud: The focus of this topic is the explanation of secure software development lifecycle changes and the security of cloud applications.
  • Module 4: Data Security in the Cloud: This topic covers the basics of cloud data storage. Additionally, it covers the lifecycle of cloud storage data and different controls to protect cloud data at rest and data in transit.
  • Module 5: Operation Security in the Cloud: The topic encompasses different security controls which are essential to build, implement, operate, manage, and maintain physical and logical infrastructures for cloud.
  • Module 6: Penetration Testing in the Cloud: It demonstrates how to implement comprehensive penetration testing to assess the security of a company’s cloud infrastructure.
  • Module 7: Incident Detection and Response in the Cloud: This topic focuses on various aspects of incident response.
  • Module 8: Forensic Investigation in the Cloud: This topic is related to the forensic investigation process in cloud computing. It includes data collection methods and cloud forensic challenges.
  • Module 9: Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery in the Cloud: It highlights the significance of business continuity and planning of disaster recovery in IR.
  • Module 10: Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance in the Cloud: This topic focuses on different governance frameworks, models, regulations, design, and implementation of governance frameworks in the cloud.
  • Module 11: Standards, Policies, and Legal Issues in the Cloud: The topic discusses different legal issues, policies, and standards that are associated with the cloud.


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Q1. SeaCloud Soft Pvt. Ltd. is an IT company that develops software and applications related to the healthcare industry. To safeguard the data and applications against The organization did not trust the cloud service attackers, the organization adopted cloud computing. provider; therefore, it Implemented an encryption technique that secures data during communication and storage. SeaCloud Soft Pvt. Ltd. performed computation on the encrypted data and then sent the data to the cloud service provider. Based on the given information, which of the following encryption techniques was implemented by SeaCloud Soft Pvt. Ltd.?

A.Ciphertext attribute based encryption

B. Fully homomorphic encryption

C. Key policy attribute-based encryption

D. Identity-based encryption

Correct Answer: B

Q2. SecureSoft Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is an IT company that develops mobile-based applications. Owing to the secure and cost-effective cloud-based services provided by Google, the organization migrated its applications and data from on premises environment to Google cloud. Sienna Miller, a cloud security engineer, selected the Coldlinc Storage class for storing data in the Google cloud storage bucket. What is the minimum storage duration for Coldline Storage?

A.60 days

B. 120 days

C. 50 days

D. 90 days

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Frances Fisher has been working as a cloud security engineer in a multinational company. Her organization uses Microsoft Azure cloud-based services. Frances created a resource group (devResourceGroup); then, she created a virtual machine (devVM) in that resource group. Next. Frances created a Bastion host for the virtual machine (devVM) and she connected the virtual machine using Bastion from the Azure portal. Which of the following protocols Is used by Azure Bastion to provide secure connectivity to Frances' virtual machine (devVM) from the Azure portal?



C. Telnet


Correct Answer: A

Q4. VoxCloPro is a cloud service provider based in South America that offers all types of cloud-based services to cloud consumers. The cloud-based services provided by VoxCloPro are secure and cost-effective. Terra Soft. Pvt. Ltd. is an IT company that adopted the cloud-based services of VoxCloPro and transferred the data and applications owned by the organization from on-premises to the VoxCloPro cloud environment. According to the data protection laws of Central and South American countries, who among the following is responsible for ensuring the security and privacy of personal data?

A.Cloud Carrier

B. Cloud Broker

C. Terra Soft. Pvt. Ltd

D. VoxCloPro

Correct Answer: C

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