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DSCI DCPP-01 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: DSCI Certified Privacy Professional
Exam Code: DCPP-01
Related Certification(s): DSCI certified Privacy Professional DCPP Certification
Certification Provider: DSCI
Number of DCPP-01 practice questions in our database: 122 
Expected DCPP-01 Exam Topics, as suggested by DSCI :

  • Module 1: Privacy Fundamentals: This section introduces fundamental concepts related to privacy, defining data and information privacy and underscoring their significance in the digital era. It also examines different categories of personal data and strategies for effectively managing their life cycles.
  • Module 2: Privacy Principles and Regulations: In this topic, you explore specific guidelines and legal frameworks that regulate data privacy. This includes an examination of global privacy principles, an understanding of major data privacy regulations, and insights into the legal ramifications of data collection.
  • Module 3: Privacy Technologies and Organization Ecosystem: It concentrates on implementing privacy principles through practical technologies and organizational strategies. It covers privacy-enhancing technologies as well as the critical concept of privacy by design.


Exam Name: DSCI Certified Privacy Professional
Exam Code: DCPP-01
Related Certification(s): DSCI certified Privacy Professional DCPP Certification
Certification Provider: DSCI
Number of DCPP-01 practice questions in our database: 122 
Expected DCPP-01 Exam Topics, as suggested by DSCI :

  • Module 1: Privacy Fundamentals: This section introduces fundamental concepts related to privacy, defining data and information privacy and underscoring their significance in the digital era. It also examines different categories of personal data and strategies for effectively managing their life cycles.
  • Module 2: Privacy Principles and Regulations: In this topic, you explore specific guidelines and legal frameworks that regulate data privacy. This includes an examination of global privacy principles, an understanding of major data privacy regulations, and insights into the legal ramifications of data collection.
  • Module 3: Privacy Technologies and Organization Ecosystem: It concentrates on implementing privacy principles through practical technologies and organizational strategies. It covers privacy-enhancing technologies as well as the critical concept of privacy by design.


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Q1. A growing economy has made it more important now than ever before for India to have comprehensive laws on __________.

A.Right to Information

B. Dispute resolution

C. Privacy

D. Right to Internet

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which of the following privacy legislations is synonymous with "Data Handlers"?

A.Federal Data Protection Act, Germany (BDSG)

B. South Korea's Personal Information Protection Act

C. Digital Privacy Act, 2015

D. Child online protection Act, 1998

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Regarding projects such as Aadhaar, the National Population Register (NPR), etc. that involve national government projects specific to India, which of the following statements is accurate?

A.Citizens can choose not to submit their biometric details to the environment and can complete the process without providing their biometrics

B. Prior to and during collection of data, data subjects are not properly notified

C. In India, biometric data collection is a statutory requirement

D. Once their personal information has been shared with the project, data subjects are not limited in how they can exercise control over how it will be used

Correct Answer: D

Q4. Which of the following privacy legislations is synonymous with "Data Handlers"?

A.Federal Data Protection Act, Germany (BDSG)

B. South Korea's Personal Information Protection Act

C. Digital Privacy Act, 2015

D. Child online protection Act, 1998

Correct Answer: B

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