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Copado-Robotic-Testing Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Copado Robotic Testing Exam
Exam Code: Copado-Robotic-Testing
Related Certification(s): Copado Certified Robotic Testing Certification
Certification Provider: Copado
Actual Exam Duration: 40 Minutes
Number of Copado-Robotic-Testing practice questions in our database: 48
Expected Copado-Robotic-Testing Exam Topics, as suggested by Copado :

  • Module 1: General Testing Topics: This section of the exam measures the skills of Test Automation Engineers and focuses on foundational knowledge about software testing. Candidates are expected to understand the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), the core principles of Copado Robotic Testing, and its primary features. It also assesses knowledge of platform considerations versus on-premise setups and low-code automation techniques. One key skill measured is the ability to differentiate between automation platform environments.
  • Module 2: Components of Copado Robotic Testing: This section evaluates the expertise of Test Managers in handling various aspects of Copado Robotic Testing. It includes understanding how robots function, the purpose and organization of suites and projects, and the process of setting up Copado Robotic Testing. Candidates should also demonstrate their knowledge of test scripts and different generation modes.
  • Module 3: QEditor: This domain focuses on the skills of Test Automation Professionals and highlights the purpose and functionality of the QEditor tool. It covers the concept of QWords and the use of custom keywords within the testing framework. One key skill measured is the ability to create and apply custom keywords to enhance automation efficiency.


Exam Name: Copado Robotic Testing Exam
Exam Code: Copado-Robotic-Testing
Related Certification(s): Copado Certified Robotic Testing Certification
Certification Provider: Copado
Actual Exam Duration: 40 Minutes
Number of Copado-Robotic-Testing practice questions in our database: 48
Expected Copado-Robotic-Testing Exam Topics, as suggested by Copado :

  • Module 1: General Testing Topics: This section of the exam measures the skills of Test Automation Engineers and focuses on foundational knowledge about software testing. Candidates are expected to understand the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC), the core principles of Copado Robotic Testing, and its primary features. It also assesses knowledge of platform considerations versus on-premise setups and low-code automation techniques. One key skill measured is the ability to differentiate between automation platform environments.
  • Module 2: Components of Copado Robotic Testing: This section evaluates the expertise of Test Managers in handling various aspects of Copado Robotic Testing. It includes understanding how robots function, the purpose and organization of suites and projects, and the process of setting up Copado Robotic Testing. Candidates should also demonstrate their knowledge of test scripts and different generation modes.
  • Module 3: QEditor: This domain focuses on the skills of Test Automation Professionals and highlights the purpose and functionality of the QEditor tool. It covers the concept of QWords and the use of custom keywords within the testing framework. One key skill measured is the ability to create and apply custom keywords to enhance automation efficiency.


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Q1. What component contains robots, quality intelligence dashboards, and manages user permissions for access?


B. Quality Intelligence

C. Project

D. Suites

Correct Answer: C

Q2. QEditor is a cloud-based test script editor designed to make test development easy and productive. Which of the following are TRUE about QEditor? Select all that apply.

A.QEditor uses AI to suggest suitable QWords

B. You can add files and folders to your project in QEditor

C. QEditor requires either MacOS or Windows to run

D. You can run your test cases directly in QEditor

Correct Answer: B, D

Q3. Lisa has run her test suite and sees that there's a failed test case. Which Copado Robotic Testing features help her to analyze the root cause of the failed case? Choose two! You have reached the max number of allowed ansvv


B. Detailed report

C. Test Suite Variables

D. Recorded videos

Correct Answer: B, D

Q4. QEditor is a cloud-based test script editor designed to make test development easy and productive. Which of the following are TRUE about QEditor? Select all that apply.

A.QEditor uses AI to suggest suitable QWords

B. You can add files and folders to your project in QEditor

C. QEditor requires either MacOS or Windows to run

D. You can run your test cases directly in QEditor

Correct Answer: B, D

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