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Copado-Developer Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Copado Developer Certification Exam
Exam Code: Copado-Developer
Related Certification(s): Copado Certified Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Copado
Number of Copado-Developer practice questions in our database: 84 
Expected Copado-Developer Exam Topics, as suggested by Copado :

  • Module 1: Global find and replace rules use cases/ Running static code analysis
  • Module 2: How to create a scratch org with the scratch org wizard/ Commit Changes Advanced
  • Module 3: Salesforce DX Overview and limitations/ Copado auto-resolve feature/ Destructive Changes
  • Module 4: How to create environment variables and where to apply them/ Online conflict resolution
  • Module 5: Environment Variables And Find & Replace Rules/ Conflict Resolution/ Recommit files
  • Module 6: Introduction to scratch orgs/ Advanced Data Deploy/ Data deployments
  • Module 7: Static code analysis with CodeScan/ Static code analysis with PMD/ Setting up Copado Continuous Delivery
  • Module 8: Running Apex tests on a user story, on an org credential and on deployment/ Static Code Analysis
  • Module 9: Managing scratch orgs/ Smart auto-resolve/ Automating or scheduling Apex tests/ Apex Script and Manual Tasks
  • Module 10: Setting up the minimum Apex code coverage/ Workflow with Copado Continuous Delivery/ Deployments with Apex scripts
  • Module 11: Introduction to the Copado CLI/ Working with Scratch Orgs/ Copado Continuous Delivery
  • Module 12: Continuous delivery elements/ How to set up Copado DX/ CLI commands
  • Module 13: Setting up your IDE/ How to define global find and replace rules/ Copado CLI/ Manual tasks/ Apex tasks


Exam Name: Copado Developer Certification Exam
Exam Code: Copado-Developer
Related Certification(s): Copado Certified Developer Certification
Certification Provider: Copado
Number of Copado-Developer practice questions in our database: 84 
Expected Copado-Developer Exam Topics, as suggested by Copado :

  • Module 1: Global find and replace rules use cases/ Running static code analysis
  • Module 2: How to create a scratch org with the scratch org wizard/ Commit Changes Advanced
  • Module 3: Salesforce DX Overview and limitations/ Copado auto-resolve feature/ Destructive Changes
  • Module 4: How to create environment variables and where to apply them/ Online conflict resolution
  • Module 5: Environment Variables And Find & Replace Rules/ Conflict Resolution/ Recommit files
  • Module 6: Introduction to scratch orgs/ Advanced Data Deploy/ Data deployments
  • Module 7: Static code analysis with CodeScan/ Static code analysis with PMD/ Setting up Copado Continuous Delivery
  • Module 8: Running Apex tests on a user story, on an org credential and on deployment/ Static Code Analysis
  • Module 9: Managing scratch orgs/ Smart auto-resolve/ Automating or scheduling Apex tests/ Apex Script and Manual Tasks
  • Module 10: Setting up the minimum Apex code coverage/ Workflow with Copado Continuous Delivery/ Deployments with Apex scripts
  • Module 11: Introduction to the Copado CLI/ Working with Scratch Orgs/ Copado Continuous Delivery
  • Module 12: Continuous delivery elements/ How to set up Copado DX/ CLI commands
  • Module 13: Setting up your IDE/ How to define global find and replace rules/ Copado CLI/ Manual tasks/ Apex tasks


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Q1. Dave would like to change the base branch on a user story from master to uat, but he can't see the Advanced button. As a Copado admin, what is the best way to fix this?

A.Assigning Dave the Copado User managed permission set.

B. Assigning Dave the System Admin profile.

C. Assigning Dave the Edit User Story Commit Base Branch custom permission.

D. Adding the Advanced button to the Commit Changes page layout.

Correct Answer: C

Q2. You are using the auto-resolve conflict resolution feature, Copado will stop the merge of the feature branch into the promotion branch if it detects a conflict.


B. False (I think this is correct, because in auto resolve copado merge it when there is conflict)

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which is TRUE about Static Code Analysis using CodeScan?

A.You don't need to have a CodeScan account.

B. CodeScan is only recommended to check Apex classes.

C. You need to create Static Code Analysis Settings with CodeScan record type.

D. All are correct

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Dave has been assigned the task of deleting a custom object that has not been used in production for a long time. After committing the destructive changes, he notices that no feature branch has been created. What could be the reason?

A.The base branch was set to master branch, and the component was not yet in production.

B. He did not have rights to delete the component in the source org.

C. The Re-Create Feature Branch checkbox was not flagged.

D. While adding a row, Dave misspelled the metadata API name of the component he wanted to delete in the metadata grid.

Correct Answer: D

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