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CSA CCZT Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certificate of Competence in Zero Trust
Exam Code: CCZT
Related Certification(s): CSA Certifications
Certification Provider: CSA
Number of CCZT practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected CCZT Exam Topics, as suggested by CSA :

  • Module 1: Zero Trust Foundational Concepts: It covers the core principles of Zero Trust security.
  • Module 2: Zero Trust Architecture: This topic delves into design principles of a Zero Trust network.
  • Module 3: Software Defined Perimeter: In this topic questions about benefits of software defined perimeter (SDP) for Zero trust, deployment Considerations for SDP, and use cases of SDP in Zero Trust.
  • Module 4: NIST and CISA Best Practices: It focuses on recommendations from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for implementing Zero Trust.
  • Module 5: Zero Trust Planning: The topic of Zero Trust Planning discusses steps involved in planning a Zero Trust implementation.
  • Module 6: Zero Trust Implementation: This topic focuses on deploying a Zero Trust architecture.


Exam Name: Certificate of Competence in Zero Trust
Exam Code: CCZT
Related Certification(s): CSA Certifications
Certification Provider: CSA
Number of CCZT practice questions in our database: 60 
Expected CCZT Exam Topics, as suggested by CSA :

  • Module 1: Zero Trust Foundational Concepts: It covers the core principles of Zero Trust security.
  • Module 2: Zero Trust Architecture: This topic delves into design principles of a Zero Trust network.
  • Module 3: Software Defined Perimeter: In this topic questions about benefits of software defined perimeter (SDP) for Zero trust, deployment Considerations for SDP, and use cases of SDP in Zero Trust.
  • Module 4: NIST and CISA Best Practices: It focuses on recommendations from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) for implementing Zero Trust.
  • Module 5: Zero Trust Planning: The topic of Zero Trust Planning discusses steps involved in planning a Zero Trust implementation.
  • Module 6: Zero Trust Implementation: This topic focuses on deploying a Zero Trust architecture.


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Q1. Which of the following is a potential outcome of an effective ZT implementation?

A.Regular vulnerability scanning

B. A comprehensive catalogue of all transactions, dependencies, and services with associated IDs

C. Deployment of traditional firewall solutions

D. Adoption of biometric authentication A comprehensive catalogue of all transactions, dependencies, and services with associated IDs is a potential outcome of an effective ZT implementation because it helps to map the data flows and interactions among the assets and entities in the ZTA. This catalogue enables the ZTA to enforce granular and dynamic policies based on the context and attributes of the transactions, dependencies, and services. It also facilitates the monitoring and auditing of the ZTA activities and performance. Reference=Certificate of Competence in Zero Trust (CCZT) - Cloud Security Alliance,Zero Trust Training (ZTT) - Module 3: ZTA Architecture and Components

Correct Answer: B

Q2. When preparing to implement ZTA, some changes may be required. Which of the following components should the organization consider as part of their checklist to ensure a successful implementation?

A.Vulnerability scanning, patch management, change management, and problem management

B. Organization's governance, compliance, risk management, and operations

C. Incident management, business continuity planning (BCP), disaster recovery (DR), and training and awareness programs

D. Visibility and analytics integration and services accessed using mobile devices When preparing to implement ZTA, some changes may be required in the organization's governance, compliance, risk management, and operations.These components are essential for ensuring a successful implementation of ZTA, as they involve the following aspects12: Governance: This refers to the establishment of a clear vision, strategy, and roadmap for ZTA, as well as the definition of roles, responsibilities, and authorities for ZTA stakeholders. Governance also involves the alignment of ZTA with the organization's mission, goals, and objectives, and the communication and collaboration among ZTA teams and other business units. Compliance: This refers to the adherence to the relevant laws, regulations, standards, and policies that apply to the organization's ZTA. Compliance also involves the identification and mitigation of any legal or contractual risks or issues that may arise from ZTA implementation, such as data privacy, security, and sovereignty. Risk management: This refers to the assessment and management of the risks associated with ZTA implementation, such as technical, operational, financial, or reputational risks. Risk management also involves the development and implementation of risk mitigation strategies, controls, and metrics, as well as the monitoring and reporting of risk status and performance. Operations: This refers to the execution and maintenance of the ZTA processes, technologies, and services, as well as the integration and interoperability of ZTA with the existing IT infrastructure and systems. Operations also involve the optimization and improvement of ZTA efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the resolution of any operational issues or incidents. Reference= Zero Trust Architecture: Governance Zero Trust Architecture: Acquisition and Adoption

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What should be a key component of any ZT project, especially during implementation and adjustments?

A.Extensive task monitoring

B. Frequent technology changes

C. Proper risk management

D. Frequent policy audits

Correct Answer: C

Q4. When preparing to implement ZTA, some changes may be required. Which of the following components should the organization consider as part of their checklist to ensure a successful implementation?

A.Vulnerability scanning, patch management, change management, and problem management

B. Organization's governance, compliance, risk management, and operations

C. Incident management, business continuity planning (BCP), disaster recovery (DR), and training and awareness programs

D. Visibility and analytics integration and services accessed using mobile devices

Correct Answer: B

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