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CIW 1D0-623 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Social Media Strategist
Exam Code: 1D0-623
Related Certification(s): CIW Social Media Strategist Certification
Certification Provider: CIW
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 1D0-623 practice questions in our database: 55 
Expected 1D0-623 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIW :

  • Module 1: Introduction to Social Media/ Social Media Communication
  • Module 2: Social Media Foundation and Technologies/ Social Media Engagement
  • Module 3: Campaign Strategies and Tactics/ Campaign Project Management
  • Module 4: Developing Social Media Content and Curating Content/ Planning a Social Media Campaign
  • Module 5: Legal and Regulatory Compliance/ Risks, Reputation, and Crisis
  • Module 6: Managing Social Media Data/ Risk Management Strategy/ Reputation Management
  • Module 7: Organizational Goals for Social/ Boosting Brand Recognition
  • Module 8: Advantages of Social Media in Business/ Business Adoption of Social Media
  • Module 9: Using Social Media in Business/ Social Media Impact on Business/ Social Media Job Roles
  • Module 10: Industry or Niche Platforms/ Choosing the Appropriate/ Social Media Platforms Selection
  • Module 11: Social Media Trends/ Social Media Communities/ Advertising on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook
  • Module 12: Social Media Advertising Best Practices/ Using a SWOT to Analyze a Social Media Plan
  • Module 13: Analyzing Market Segments Personas/ Developing a Social Media Strategy
  • Module 14: Promoting Your Presentations/ Presentations and Business Blogs and Technologies Business Blogs
  • Module 15: Social Media Metrics and Analytics/ Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • Module 16: Social Media ROI and Metrics/ Tools for tracking metrics/ Reports and Optimization


Exam Name: Social Media Strategist
Exam Code: 1D0-623
Related Certification(s): CIW Social Media Strategist Certification
Certification Provider: CIW
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 1D0-623 practice questions in our database: 55 
Expected 1D0-623 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIW :

  • Module 1: Introduction to Social Media/ Social Media Communication
  • Module 2: Social Media Foundation and Technologies/ Social Media Engagement
  • Module 3: Campaign Strategies and Tactics/ Campaign Project Management
  • Module 4: Developing Social Media Content and Curating Content/ Planning a Social Media Campaign
  • Module 5: Legal and Regulatory Compliance/ Risks, Reputation, and Crisis
  • Module 6: Managing Social Media Data/ Risk Management Strategy/ Reputation Management
  • Module 7: Organizational Goals for Social/ Boosting Brand Recognition
  • Module 8: Advantages of Social Media in Business/ Business Adoption of Social Media
  • Module 9: Using Social Media in Business/ Social Media Impact on Business/ Social Media Job Roles
  • Module 10: Industry or Niche Platforms/ Choosing the Appropriate/ Social Media Platforms Selection
  • Module 11: Social Media Trends/ Social Media Communities/ Advertising on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook
  • Module 12: Social Media Advertising Best Practices/ Using a SWOT to Analyze a Social Media Plan
  • Module 13: Analyzing Market Segments Personas/ Developing a Social Media Strategy
  • Module 14: Promoting Your Presentations/ Presentations and Business Blogs and Technologies Business Blogs
  • Module 15: Social Media Metrics and Analytics/ Social Media Optimization (SMO)
  • Module 16: Social Media ROI and Metrics/ Tools for tracking metrics/ Reports and Optimization


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Q1. Kameron is assigned to minimize the vulnerabilities in his company's social media communications and online chatting features His company is launching a new product Information about the new product has been leaked to the public, ahead of schedule To mitigate the situation. Kameron first focused on redefining who has access to new product information What would be the next area to improve?

A.Update computers to eliminate system vulnerabilities and to prevent theft of intellectual property.

B. Provide training for all employees in the company regarding legal and regulatory compliance

C. Eliminate ambiguous policies and inconsistent procedures for the roles with access to the new product information

D. Implement regular reviews of outbound communications

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Bill owns a small, local video production company. His current customer base consists mostly of local musicians looking for live concert music videos and small start-up businesses in need of social media video advertising. His goal is to increase his bookings. When he creates a social media posting, which of the following messages would be an effective call to action?

A.Share this with all of your friends

B. Watch this video compilation to see what services we have to offer.

C. Message me for details

D. Schedule a video shoot today, to receive a 10% discount

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Drew is managing a social media advertising campaign. He has selected a popular social site. The site has a flat membership fee, plus a pay per-click fee. Drew will also be outsourcing the graphical design of the ads. What information do you need to calculate the cost-per-click of the campaign?

A.Graphic design cost, membership fee. pay-per-click fee and total clicks made.

B. Employee compensation, cost of goods sold and pay-per-click fee.

C. Total budget amount, pay-per-click fee and total clicks made.

D. E-commerce site listing fees. Wet* site development costs and pay-per-click fees.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. A company has a goal of increasing revenue from social media sites by 15% in the next quarter. The know the costs of their paid advertising and internal resources to promote the social media platform. They also have a readily available metric (sales orders) and are collecting data on conversions from failover to lead to sale. What is the company trying to calculate?

A.Return on engagement

B. Follower sentiment

C. Customer loyalty

D. Return on investment

Correct Answer: A

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