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CIW 1D0-571 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: CIW Web Security Associate
Exam Code: 1D0-571
Related Certification(s): CIW Web Security Analyst Certification
Certification Provider: CIW
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 1D0-571 practice questions in our database: 62 
Expected 1D0-571 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIW :

  • Module 1: Identify firewall types and define common firewall terminology
  • Module 2: Define encryption and the encryption methods used in internetworking
  • Module 3: Use universal guidelines and principles of effective network security to create effective specific solutions
  • Module 4: Plan a firewall system that incorporates multiple levels of protection, including firewall system design
  • Module 5: Define the significance of network security, and identify various elements of an effective security policy, including risk factors
  • Module 6: Apply security principles and identify security attacks
  • Module 7: security-related organizations, key resources to secure, general security threat types
  • Module 8: proactive detection, setting traps, security breach response, security alerting organizations


Exam Name: CIW Web Security Associate
Exam Code: 1D0-571
Related Certification(s): CIW Web Security Analyst Certification
Certification Provider: CIW
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of 1D0-571 practice questions in our database: 62 
Expected 1D0-571 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIW :

  • Module 1: Identify firewall types and define common firewall terminology
  • Module 2: Define encryption and the encryption methods used in internetworking
  • Module 3: Use universal guidelines and principles of effective network security to create effective specific solutions
  • Module 4: Plan a firewall system that incorporates multiple levels of protection, including firewall system design
  • Module 5: Define the significance of network security, and identify various elements of an effective security policy, including risk factors
  • Module 6: Apply security principles and identify security attacks
  • Module 7: security-related organizations, key resources to secure, general security threat types
  • Module 8: proactive detection, setting traps, security breach response, security alerting organizations


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Q1. Which of the following is the most likely first step to enable a server to recover from a denial-of-service attack in which all hard disk data is lost?

A.Enable virtualization

B. Contact the backup service

C. Contact a disk recovery service

D. Rebuild your RAID 0 array

Correct Answer: B

Q2. You purchased a network scanner six months ago. In spite of regularly conducting scans using this software, you have noticed that attackers have been able to compromise your servers over the last month. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this problem?

A.The network scanner needs to be replaced.

B. The network scanner is no substitute for scans conducted by an individual.

C. The network scanner has a trojan.

D. The network scanner needs an update.

Correct Answer: D

Q3. What is the primary use of hash (one-way) encryption in networking?

A.Signing files, for data integrity

B. Encrypting files, for data confidentiality

C. Key exchange, for user authentication

D. User authentication, for non-repudiation

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which of the following will best help you ensure a database server can withstand a recently discovered vulnerability?

A.Updating the company vulnerability scanner and conducting a new scan

B. Adding a buffer overflow rule to the intrusion detection system

C. Reconfiguring the firewall

D. Installing a system update

Correct Answer: D

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