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CIMAPRO19-P02-1 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: P2 Advanced Management Accounting
Exam Code: CIMAPRO19-P02-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Professional Qualification Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Number of CIMAPRO19-P02-1 practice questions in our database: 202 
Expected CIMAPRO19-P02-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :

  • Module 1: Discuss various approaches to the performance and control of organisations/ Managing the Costs of Creating Value
  • Module 2: Analyse risk and uncertainty associated with medium-term decision-making/ Compare and contrast quality management methodologies
  • Module 3: Explain the behavioural and transfer pricing issues related the management of responsibility centres
  • Module 4: Revise and practice questions under exam conditions/ Apply the data required for decision-making
  • Module 5: Analyse the performance of responsibility centres and prepare reports/ Capital Investment Decision Making
  • Module 6: Explain the steps and pertinent issues in the decision-making process/ Analyse types of risk in the medium term
  • Module 7: Apply cost management and cost transformation methodology to manage costs and improve profitability
  • Module 8: Apply value management techniques to manage costs and improve value creation/ Apply investment appraisal techniques to evaluate different projects
  • Module 9: Managing and Controlling the Performance of Organizational Units/ Discuss pricing strategies


Exam Name: P2 Advanced Management Accounting
Exam Code: CIMAPRO19-P02-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Professional Qualification Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Number of CIMAPRO19-P02-1 practice questions in our database: 202 
Expected CIMAPRO19-P02-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :

  • Module 1: Discuss various approaches to the performance and control of organisations/ Managing the Costs of Creating Value
  • Module 2: Analyse risk and uncertainty associated with medium-term decision-making/ Compare and contrast quality management methodologies
  • Module 3: Explain the behavioural and transfer pricing issues related the management of responsibility centres
  • Module 4: Revise and practice questions under exam conditions/ Apply the data required for decision-making
  • Module 5: Analyse the performance of responsibility centres and prepare reports/ Capital Investment Decision Making
  • Module 6: Explain the steps and pertinent issues in the decision-making process/ Analyse types of risk in the medium term
  • Module 7: Apply cost management and cost transformation methodology to manage costs and improve profitability
  • Module 8: Apply value management techniques to manage costs and improve value creation/ Apply investment appraisal techniques to evaluate different projects
  • Module 9: Managing and Controlling the Performance of Organizational Units/ Discuss pricing strategies


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Q1. A company is investing in a huge diversification project. The plan is to develop and sell a whole new product line that they have never sold before. They've already started a massive marketing campaign for this new product line and they are getting good feedback in their market research. They've had to use debt funding in order to finance the project, but they hope that the returns will be worth the investment and restructuring. If they are successful they will be a step ahead of all their competitors and offer something none of them can. What is the risk appetite of this company?

A.Risk seeking

B. Risk averse

C. Risk neutral

D. Impossible to say

Correct Answer: A

Q2. Which of the following are TRUE about the theory of constraints? Select ALL that apply.

A.Each resource should be put to its most profitable use

B. Relieve all the constraints in a system simultaneously to ensure optimality

C. Ensure that each constraint is being used efficiently

D. Relieve constraints until the cost of relieving the last constraint exceeds the benefit

Correct Answer: A, C, D

Q3. You have just assessed an investment proposal, involving an immediate cash outflow followed by a series of cash inflows over the next 7years, by deducing the NPV and the IRR. You have now discovered that you have underestimated the discount rate. Correcting the underestimation will have the following effect, relative to your original deductions:

A.NPV will reduce, IRR will not change

B. NPV and IRR will not change

C. NPV will increase, IRR will reduce

D. NPV and IRR will both increase

E. Not enough information given for an answer

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Which of the following are TRUE about the theory of constraints? Select ALL that apply.

A.Each resource should be put to its most profitable use

B. Relieve all the constraints in a system simultaneously to ensure optimality

C. Ensure that each constraint is being used efficiently

D. Relieve constraints until the cost of relieving the last constraint exceeds the benefit

Correct Answer: A, C, D

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