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CIMAPRA17-BA4-1 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: BA4 – Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law
Exam Code: CIMAPRA17-BA4-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Number of CIMAPRA17-BA4-1 practice questions in our database: 661

Expected CIMAPRA17-BA4-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :

  • Module 1: Identify situations where ethical dilemmas and conflicts of interest occur, based on CIMA’s ethical checklist/ Describe how personal and organisational policies and values promote behaviour
  • Module 2: Explain the relationship between the CIMA Code of Ethics and the law/ Distinguish between detailed rules-based and framework/principles approaches to ethics
  • Module 3: Distinguish between detailed rules-based and framework/principles approaches to ethics/ Explain the nature of ethics and its application to society
  • Module 4: Identify concepts of independence, scepticism, accountability and social responsibility/ Illustrate the threats and safeguards to the fundamental ethical principles
  • Module 5: Describe the consequences of ethical behaviour to society/ Identify the ethical issues significant to organisations and how CIMA partners
  • Module 6: Identify conflicting perspectives of interest when dealing with stakeholders in society/ Apply the values and attitudes that provide professional accountants
  • Module 7: Identify the requirements for external audit and the basic processes undertaken/ Describe IFAC’s main drivers of sustainable corporate success
  • Module 8: Describe the different methods of fraud prevention and detection/ Illustrate CIMA’s practical proposals for better corporate governance
  • Module 9: Explain the interaction of corporate governance with business ethics and company law/ Explain the role of national and international laws and regulations
  • Module 10: Explain the role of internal audit in non-financial monitoring and control activities/ Identify synergies and tensions with CSR and brand management
  • Module 11: Describe the guidelines of reporting CSR within annual reports/ Distinguish between detailed rules-based and principles-based approaches to governance


Exam Name: BA4 – Fundamentals of Ethics, Corporate Governance and Business Law
Exam Code: CIMAPRA17-BA4-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Number of CIMAPRA17-BA4-1 practice questions in our database: 661

Expected CIMAPRA17-BA4-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :

  • Module 1: Identify situations where ethical dilemmas and conflicts of interest occur, based on CIMA’s ethical checklist/ Describe how personal and organisational policies and values promote behaviour
  • Module 2: Explain the relationship between the CIMA Code of Ethics and the law/ Distinguish between detailed rules-based and framework/principles approaches to ethics
  • Module 3: Distinguish between detailed rules-based and framework/principles approaches to ethics/ Explain the nature of ethics and its application to society
  • Module 4: Identify concepts of independence, scepticism, accountability and social responsibility/ Illustrate the threats and safeguards to the fundamental ethical principles
  • Module 5: Describe the consequences of ethical behaviour to society/ Identify the ethical issues significant to organisations and how CIMA partners
  • Module 6: Identify conflicting perspectives of interest when dealing with stakeholders in society/ Apply the values and attitudes that provide professional accountants
  • Module 7: Identify the requirements for external audit and the basic processes undertaken/ Describe IFAC’s main drivers of sustainable corporate success
  • Module 8: Describe the different methods of fraud prevention and detection/ Illustrate CIMA’s practical proposals for better corporate governance
  • Module 9: Explain the interaction of corporate governance with business ethics and company law/ Explain the role of national and international laws and regulations
  • Module 10: Explain the role of internal audit in non-financial monitoring and control activities/ Identify synergies and tensions with CSR and brand management
  • Module 11: Describe the guidelines of reporting CSR within annual reports/ Distinguish between detailed rules-based and principles-based approaches to governance


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Q1. X is in the process of setting up a private company limited by shares X is considering including certain provisions in the articles of association. Which of the following provisions would be enforceable by and against the company? 1 Dividend rights of the members 2. Terms relating to bonuses of directors 3. Payment terms of suppliers.

A.1 only

B. 1 and 2 only

C. 2 and 3 only

D. 1,2 and 3

Correct Answer: A

Q2. The majority of developed countries require publicly quoted companies and large companies to produce annual financial statements which are then audited by an external auditor. Which of the following statements regarding the requirement for external audit is Incorrect?

A.Independent external audit gives confidence in the financial statements which is required as the directors have incentives to manipulate the financial statements presented to the shareholders

B. As the directors are responsible for the day-to-day management of the company, they hold more detailed information which is resolved by the presentation of financial statements to the shareholders and this needs to be guaranteed by independent external audit.

C. Independent external audit gives confidence in the financial statements by including the auditor's opinion on whether or not they show a true and fair view.

D. As the directors are responsible for the day-to-day management of the company, they hold more detailed information which is resolved by the presentation of financial statements to the shareholders and there is a need for this to be assured by independent external audit

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A distinguishing mark of the accountancy profession is its acceptance of the responsibility to act in the public interest Therefore:

A.the public interest will always be served if an accountant complies with his or her employer's corporate ethical policies

B. frauds which are detected in an audit must be reported to the public

C. a professional accountant's responsibility is not exclusively to satisfy the needs of an individual client or employer

D. professional accountants must be prepared to break laws that they consider to be against the public interest

Correct Answer: B

Q4. The majority of developed countries require publicly quoted companies and large companies to produce annual financial statements which are then audited by an external auditor. Which of the following statements regarding the requirement for external audit is Incorrect?

A.Independent external audit gives confidence in the financial statements which is required as the directors have incentives to manipulate the financial statements presented to the shareholders

B. As the directors are responsible for the day-to-day management of the company, they hold more detailed information which is resolved by the presentation of financial statements to the shareholders and this needs to be guaranteed by independent external audit.

C. Independent external audit gives confidence in the financial statements by including the auditor's opinion on whether or not they show a true and fair view.

D. As the directors are responsible for the day-to-day management of the company, they hold more detailed information which is resolved by the presentation of financial statements to the shareholders and there is a need for this to be assured by independent external audit

Correct Answer: B

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