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CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: BA1 – Fundamentals of Business Economics
Exam Code: CIMAPRA17-BA1-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 practice questions in our database: 468 
Expected CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :

  • Module 1: Macroeconomic and Institutional Context of Business: This topic assesses your ability to understand how national income, economic growth rates, and global trade dynamics influence business performance. You’ll explore the effects of globalization and economic development, which are crucial for navigating the complex global economy in business and finance roles.
  • Module 2: Microeconomic and Organisational Context of Business: Here, the focus is on how market forces, stakeholder goals, and organizational structures impact business outcomes. This CIMA CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 exam topic evaluates your understanding of price determination, the role of market regulation, and how social and economic factors shape organizations. These skills are vital for making informed decisions in business environments where multiple interests must be balanced.
  • Module  3: Informational Context of Business: This topic tests your proficiency in converting business data into actionable insights and communicating this information effectively to stakeholders. You will also delve into big data analytics, essential skills for driving informed decisions in modern business contexts. Your ability to interpret and present data is key to enhancing business performance.
  • Module 4: The Financial Context of Business: In this CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 exam topic, you will examine the role of financial markets, the application of financial mathematical techniques, and the impact of interest and exchange rates on business performance. Understanding these financial elements is critical for anyone in business and finance, as they directly influence strategic planning and performance measurement.


Exam Name: BA1 – Fundamentals of Business Economics
Exam Code: CIMAPRA17-BA1-1
Related Certification(s): CIMA Certificate in Business Accounting Certification
Certification Provider: CIMA
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 practice questions in our database: 468 
Expected CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 Exam Topics, as suggested by CIMA :

  • Module 1: Macroeconomic and Institutional Context of Business: This topic assesses your ability to understand how national income, economic growth rates, and global trade dynamics influence business performance. You’ll explore the effects of globalization and economic development, which are crucial for navigating the complex global economy in business and finance roles.
  • Module 2: Microeconomic and Organisational Context of Business: Here, the focus is on how market forces, stakeholder goals, and organizational structures impact business outcomes. This CIMA CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 exam topic evaluates your understanding of price determination, the role of market regulation, and how social and economic factors shape organizations. These skills are vital for making informed decisions in business environments where multiple interests must be balanced.
  • Module  3: Informational Context of Business: This topic tests your proficiency in converting business data into actionable insights and communicating this information effectively to stakeholders. You will also delve into big data analytics, essential skills for driving informed decisions in modern business contexts. Your ability to interpret and present data is key to enhancing business performance.
  • Module 4: The Financial Context of Business: In this CIMAPRA17-BA1-1 exam topic, you will examine the role of financial markets, the application of financial mathematical techniques, and the impact of interest and exchange rates on business performance. Understanding these financial elements is critical for anyone in business and finance, as they directly influence strategic planning and performance measurement.


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Q1. Which TWO of the following would be objectives for internal stakeholders in a profit-seeking organisation?

A.improving the working condition and pay levels for the employees

B. Maximising shareholder wealth

C. Meeting the legally required environmental standards in the industry

D. Raising the level of dividends paid out

E. Increasing the remuneration packages of the company directors

Correct Answer: A, E

Q2. Which TWO of the following would be objectives for internal stakeholders in a profit-seeking organisation?

A.improving the working condition and pay levels for the employees

B. Maximising shareholder wealth

C. Meeting the legally required environmental standards in the industry

D. Raising the level of dividends paid out

E. Increasing the remuneration packages of the company directors

Correct Answer: A, E

Q3. Which of the following is an example of reflationary monetary policy?

A.Lowering interest rates in order to boost the economy during a recession.

B. Introducing a tax on financial transactions in order to reduce the volume of speculative transactions

C. Increasing investment in education in order to improve the long term competitiveness of the economy

D. Reducing government expenditure in order to rem in a budget deficit

Correct Answer: A

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