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CheckPoint 156-835 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Check Point Certified Maestro Expert
Exam Code: 156-835 CCME
Related Certification(s): CheckPoint Check Point Certified Maestro Expert Certification
Certification Provider: CheckPoint
Number of 156-835 practice questions in our database: 64 
Expected 156-835 Exam Topics, as suggested by CheckPoint :

  • Module 1: Identify how Virtual System Extension (VSX) works/ Describe how Maestro uses Hyperscale Technology
  • Module 2: Demonstrate how to use traffic monitoring commands/ Describe how the Gaia Command Line Interface (CLI) supports the configuration of MHO appliances
  • Module 3: Understand the four distribution modes that Maestro uses to assign packets to a Security Gateway Module/ Recognize the main characteristics of Scalable Platforms
  • Module 4: Describe the basic use of the asg diag command to collect system diagnostics/ Learn how to create, delete, and modify Security Groups
  • Module 5: Evaluate how traffic flows through a Maestro environment/ Describe the different layers of the OSI model involved when debugging the SG
  • Module 6: Understand and explain how the Orchestrator’s downlinks, uplinks, management, and sync ports function/ Identify the essential components of the Maestro system
  • Module 7: Learn the advantages of using VSX in a Dual-Site Orchestrator environment/ Understand the concept and demand for Scalable Platforms
  • Module 8: Recognize how to account for Dual-Site fail-overs/ Describe the purpose of the Security Group Database
  • Module 9: Describe how Dual-Site Orchestrators are configured/ Perform diagnostic troubleshooting using the CLI
  • Module 10: Learn how to configure interfaces using CLISH/ Understand the basics of the Dual-Site environment


Exam Name: Check Point Certified Maestro Expert
Exam Code: 156-835 CCME
Related Certification(s): CheckPoint Check Point Certified Maestro Expert Certification
Certification Provider: CheckPoint
Number of 156-835 practice questions in our database: 64 
Expected 156-835 Exam Topics, as suggested by CheckPoint :

  • Module 1: Identify how Virtual System Extension (VSX) works/ Describe how Maestro uses Hyperscale Technology
  • Module 2: Demonstrate how to use traffic monitoring commands/ Describe how the Gaia Command Line Interface (CLI) supports the configuration of MHO appliances
  • Module 3: Understand the four distribution modes that Maestro uses to assign packets to a Security Gateway Module/ Recognize the main characteristics of Scalable Platforms
  • Module 4: Describe the basic use of the asg diag command to collect system diagnostics/ Learn how to create, delete, and modify Security Groups
  • Module 5: Evaluate how traffic flows through a Maestro environment/ Describe the different layers of the OSI model involved when debugging the SG
  • Module 6: Understand and explain how the Orchestrator’s downlinks, uplinks, management, and sync ports function/ Identify the essential components of the Maestro system
  • Module 7: Learn the advantages of using VSX in a Dual-Site Orchestrator environment/ Understand the concept and demand for Scalable Platforms
  • Module 8: Recognize how to account for Dual-Site fail-overs/ Describe the purpose of the Security Group Database
  • Module 9: Describe how Dual-Site Orchestrators are configured/ Perform diagnostic troubleshooting using the CLI
  • Module 10: Learn how to configure interfaces using CLISH/ Understand the basics of the Dual-Site environment


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Q1. What kinds of transceivers are supported on Orchestrator MHO-170?





Correct Answer: A

Q2. In order to set Site (chassis) priority per VS, following command should be used:

A.From given VS context: set chassis high-availability vs chassis_priority

B. From given VSO context: set chassis high-availability vs chassis_priority

C. From any VS context: set chassis high-availability vs chassis_priority

D. From VSO context: set chassis high-availability vs chassis_priority

Correct Answer: B

Q3. What kinds of transceivers are supported on Orchestrator MHO-170?





Correct Answer: A

Q4. What is the throughput penalty of Security Group?

A.5% per member

B. Depends on the type of Appliance

C. 10% per Security Group with no relation to amount of members

D. 1% per member

Correct Answer: D

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