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CheckPoint 156-560 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Check Point Certified Cloud Specialist
Exam Code: 156-560 CCCS
Related Certification(s): CheckPoint Check Point Certified Cloud Specialist Certification
Certification Provider: CheckPoint
Number of 156-560 practice questions in our database: 83 
Expected 156-560 Exam Topics, as suggested by CheckPoint :

  • Module 1: Introducing CloudGuard Protections: This test section covers Check Point CloudGuard’s basic features and principles for cloud security specialists. It gives an overview of CloudGuard’s cloud environment protection features, such as threat prevention, compliance, and security management for a range of cloud platforms.
  • Module 2: Deploying CloudGuard: This exam section covers the Check Point CloudGuard deployment process for cloud engineers and deployment professionals. It contains comprehensive instructions for configuring CloudGuard in various cloud environments, integrating it with current infrastructure, and making sure everything is configured correctly for the best protection.
  • Module 3: CloudGuard Security Policy: The creation and management of security policies within Check Point CloudGuard is the main topic of this exam section for security policy managers and cloud security administrators. It addresses the fundamentals of creating and implementing policies.
  • Module 4: Automating CloudGuard Protections: This test section deals with automating CloudGuard protections and is intended for DevOps engineers and automation specialists. It covers how to automate security chores, integrate CloudGuard with pipelines for continuous integration and delivery, and use APIs to automate security operations in cloud environments.
  • Module 5: Security for Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds: This test section offers information about Dome9 security solutions for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) environments to infrastructure security analysts and IaaS managers. It goes over how to deploy and configure Dome9, how it protects IaaS resources, and how it keeps cloud infrastructure compliance and visibility intact.


Exam Name: Check Point Certified Cloud Specialist
Exam Code: 156-560 CCCS
Related Certification(s): CheckPoint Check Point Certified Cloud Specialist Certification
Certification Provider: CheckPoint
Number of 156-560 practice questions in our database: 83 
Expected 156-560 Exam Topics, as suggested by CheckPoint :

  • Module 1: Introducing CloudGuard Protections: This test section covers Check Point CloudGuard’s basic features and principles for cloud security specialists. It gives an overview of CloudGuard’s cloud environment protection features, such as threat prevention, compliance, and security management for a range of cloud platforms.
  • Module 2: Deploying CloudGuard: This exam section covers the Check Point CloudGuard deployment process for cloud engineers and deployment professionals. It contains comprehensive instructions for configuring CloudGuard in various cloud environments, integrating it with current infrastructure, and making sure everything is configured correctly for the best protection.
  • Module 3: CloudGuard Security Policy: The creation and management of security policies within Check Point CloudGuard is the main topic of this exam section for security policy managers and cloud security administrators. It addresses the fundamentals of creating and implementing policies.
  • Module 4: Automating CloudGuard Protections: This test section deals with automating CloudGuard protections and is intended for DevOps engineers and automation specialists. It covers how to automate security chores, integrate CloudGuard with pipelines for continuous integration and delivery, and use APIs to automate security operations in cloud environments.
  • Module 5: Security for Infrastructure-as-a-Service Clouds: This test section offers information about Dome9 security solutions for Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) environments to infrastructure security analysts and IaaS managers. It goes over how to deploy and configure Dome9, how it protects IaaS resources, and how it keeps cloud infrastructure compliance and visibility intact.


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Q1. When using system routes and user defined routes in Azure, which takes precedent?

A.The user defined route takes precedent

B. The system route always takes precedent

C. The most specific route takes precedent

D. The newest route takes precedent

Correct Answer: C

Q2. What is the CloudGuard solution?

A.Check Point solution for private and public cloud

B. Check Point solution for public cloud

C. Check Point solution for private cloud

D. Check Point virtual gateway

Correct Answer: A

Q3. When using system routes and user defined routes in Azure, which takes precedent?

A.The user defined route takes precedent

B. The system route always takes precedent

C. The most specific route takes precedent

D. The newest route takes precedent

Correct Answer: C

Q4. What can a Security Admin do in a situation where collecting additional log file information to examine a CloudGuard Controller issue is required?

A.Execute a debug on the SMS

B. Set the operation to TRACE to collect more data.

C. Verify connectivity between the SMS and the SDDC.

D. Search for the information in the objects database.

Correct Answer: C

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