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CertNexus CFR-410 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: CyberSec First Responder
Exam Code: CFR-410
Related Certification(s): CertNexus Cybersecurity First Responder Certification
Certification Provider: CertNexus
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CFR-410 practice questions in our database: 
Expected CFR-410 Exam Topics, as suggested by CertNexus :

  • Module 1: Implement system security measures in accordance with established procedures/ Determine tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of intrusion sets
  • Module 2: Protect identity management and access control within the organization/ Employ approved defense-in-depth principles and practices
  • Module 3: Develop and implement cybersecurity independent audit processes/ Analyze and report system security posture trends
  • Module 4: Establish relationships between internal teams and external groups like law enforcement agencies and vendors/ Identify and evaluate vulnerabilities and threat actors
  • Module 5: Provide advice and input for disaster recovery, contingency/ Implement specific cybersecurity countermeasures for systems and applications
  • Module 6: Perform analysis of log files from various sources to identify possible threats to network security/ Protect organizational resources through security updates
  • Module 7: Identify and conduct vulnerability assessment processes/ Identify applicable compliance, standards, frameworks, and best practices for privacy
  • Module 8: Analyze common indicators of potential compromise, anomalies, and patterns/ Review forensic images and other data sources for recovery of potentially relevant information
  • Module 9: Determine the extent of threats and recommend courses of action or countermeasures to mitigate risks/ Correlate incident data and create reports
  • Module 10: Identify applicable compliance, standards, frameworks, and best practices for security/ Execute the incident response process
  • Module 11: Identify factors that affect the tasking, collection, processing, exploitation/ Implement recovery planning processes and procedures to restore systems and assets affected by cybersecurity incidents


Exam Name: CyberSec First Responder
Exam Code: CFR-410
Related Certification(s): CertNexus Cybersecurity First Responder Certification
Certification Provider: CertNexus
Actual Exam Duration: 120 Minutes
Number of CFR-410 practice questions in our database: 
Expected CFR-410 Exam Topics, as suggested by CertNexus :

  • Module 1: Implement system security measures in accordance with established procedures/ Determine tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of intrusion sets
  • Module 2: Protect identity management and access control within the organization/ Employ approved defense-in-depth principles and practices
  • Module 3: Develop and implement cybersecurity independent audit processes/ Analyze and report system security posture trends
  • Module 4: Establish relationships between internal teams and external groups like law enforcement agencies and vendors/ Identify and evaluate vulnerabilities and threat actors
  • Module 5: Provide advice and input for disaster recovery, contingency/ Implement specific cybersecurity countermeasures for systems and applications
  • Module 6: Perform analysis of log files from various sources to identify possible threats to network security/ Protect organizational resources through security updates
  • Module 7: Identify and conduct vulnerability assessment processes/ Identify applicable compliance, standards, frameworks, and best practices for privacy
  • Module 8: Analyze common indicators of potential compromise, anomalies, and patterns/ Review forensic images and other data sources for recovery of potentially relevant information
  • Module 9: Determine the extent of threats and recommend courses of action or countermeasures to mitigate risks/ Correlate incident data and create reports
  • Module 10: Identify applicable compliance, standards, frameworks, and best practices for security/ Execute the incident response process
  • Module 11: Identify factors that affect the tasking, collection, processing, exploitation/ Implement recovery planning processes and procedures to restore systems and assets affected by cybersecurity incidents


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Q1. Which of the following are common areas of vulnerabilities in a network switch? (Choose two.)

A.Default port state

B. Default credentials

C. Default protocols

D. Default encryption

E. Default IP address

Correct Answer: A, B

Q2. Which of the following are part of the hardening phase of the vulnerability assessment process? (Choose two.)

A.Installing patches

B. Updating configurations

C. Documenting exceptions

D. Conducting audits

E. Generating reports

Correct Answer: A, B

Q3. To minimize vulnerability, which steps should an organization take before deploying a new Internet of Things (IoT) device? (Choose two.)

A.Changing the default password

B. Updating the device firmware

C. Setting up new users

D. Disabling IPv6

E. Enabling the firewall

Correct Answer: B, E

Q4. Which of the following would MOST likely make a Windows workstation on a corporate network vulnerable to remote exploitation?

A.Disabling Windows Updates

B. Disabling Windows Firewall

C. Enabling Remote Registry

D. Enabling Remote Desktop

Correct Answer: D

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