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C++ Institute CPA-21-02 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: CPA – C++ Certified Associate Programmer Exam
Exam Code: CPA-21-02
Related Certification(s): C++ Institute C++ Certified Associate Programmer CPA Programmer Certification
Certification Provider: C++ Institute
Actual Exam Duration: 65 Minutes
Number of CPA-21-02 practice questions in our database: 
Expected CPA-21-02 Exam Topics, as suggested by C++ Institute :

  • Module 1: Absolute Basics: This topic covers the very fundamentals of programming, including an introduction to machine and high-level programming languages, the compilation process, and basic input/output operations. It also introduces variables, data types, and operators, forming the core foundation for any programmer.
  • Module 2: Flow Control and More Data Types: The section focuses on controlling program flow with loops and operators. It also introduces floating-point numbers and explores additional integer types, providing a more nuanced understanding of data representation and control structures.
  • Module 3: Functions: Here, students learn about functions, their declaration, invocation, and behavior. The topic covers function parameters, defaults, and special types like inline and overloaded functions, offering a comprehensive view of function usage.
  • Module 4: Accessing Data and Dealing with Exceptions: This topic teaches students how to manipulate data, covering type conversion and string manipulation. It also introduces the concepts of namespaces, methods, and properties. Additionally, exception handling is introduced, including the hierarchy and creation of exceptions.
  • Module 5: Fundamentals of the Object-Oriented Approach: The transition into object-oriented programming is marked by this topic, which introduces classes, objects, and their components. It covers constructors, object referencing, and static members, laying the groundwork for more complex OOP concepts.
  • Module 6: Class Hierarchy: This section delves into inheritance, including base, super, and subclasses. It explores the various types of inheritance and how they are implemented, providing a deeper understanding of class relationships.
  • Module 7: More on Classes: Polymorphism, virtual methods, and abstraction are the key focuses here. This block teaches students how to create flexible and extensible code through the use of virtual functions and abstract classes, enhancing their OOP skillset.
  • Module 8: The Basics of Exception Handling: This final topic ensures students understand exceptions, including their definition, catching, and throwing. It also covers the exception class hierarchy and the process of creating custom exceptions, equipping them with essential debugging tools.


Exam Name: CPA – C++ Certified Associate Programmer Exam
Exam Code: CPA-21-02
Related Certification(s): C++ Institute C++ Certified Associate Programmer CPA Programmer Certification
Certification Provider: C++ Institute
Actual Exam Duration: 65 Minutes
Number of CPA-21-02 practice questions in our database: 
Expected CPA-21-02 Exam Topics, as suggested by C++ Institute :

  • Module 1: Absolute Basics: This topic covers the very fundamentals of programming, including an introduction to machine and high-level programming languages, the compilation process, and basic input/output operations. It also introduces variables, data types, and operators, forming the core foundation for any programmer.
  • Module 2: Flow Control and More Data Types: The section focuses on controlling program flow with loops and operators. It also introduces floating-point numbers and explores additional integer types, providing a more nuanced understanding of data representation and control structures.
  • Module 3: Functions: Here, students learn about functions, their declaration, invocation, and behavior. The topic covers function parameters, defaults, and special types like inline and overloaded functions, offering a comprehensive view of function usage.
  • Module 4: Accessing Data and Dealing with Exceptions: This topic teaches students how to manipulate data, covering type conversion and string manipulation. It also introduces the concepts of namespaces, methods, and properties. Additionally, exception handling is introduced, including the hierarchy and creation of exceptions.
  • Module 5: Fundamentals of the Object-Oriented Approach: The transition into object-oriented programming is marked by this topic, which introduces classes, objects, and their components. It covers constructors, object referencing, and static members, laying the groundwork for more complex OOP concepts.
  • Module 6: Class Hierarchy: This section delves into inheritance, including base, super, and subclasses. It explores the various types of inheritance and how they are implemented, providing a deeper understanding of class relationships.
  • Module 7: More on Classes: Polymorphism, virtual methods, and abstraction are the key focuses here. This block teaches students how to create flexible and extensible code through the use of virtual functions and abstract classes, enhancing their OOP skillset.
  • Module 8: The Basics of Exception Handling: This final topic ensures students understand exceptions, including their definition, catching, and throwing. It also covers the exception class hierarchy and the process of creating custom exceptions, equipping them with essential debugging tools.


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Q1. What happens when you attempt to compile and run the following code? #include using namespace std; int main() { int i=5; switch(i) { case 1: cout<<"Hello"; break; case 2: cout<<"world"; break; case 3: break; default: cout<<"End"; } return 0; }

A.It prints: Hello

B. It prints: world

C. It prints: End

D. It prints: Helloworld

Correct Answer: C

Q2. What will variable "y" be in class B? class A { int x; protected: int y; public: int age; }; class B : public A { string name; public: void Print() { cout << name << age; } };


B. private

C. protected

D. None of these

Correct Answer: C

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