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Blue Prism ATA02 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Designing a Blue Prism Environment (Version 6.0)
Exam Code: ATA02
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism Technical Architect Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of ATA02 practice questions in our database: 
Expected ATA02 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :

  • Module 1: Component architecture and implementation options: In the Blue Prism ATA02 exam, understanding the component architecture involves knowledge of various Blue Prism elements and how they interact. This topic tests the ability of a technical architect to design and implement efficient solutions tailored for complex technical architectures.
  • Module 2: Designing a SS&C Blue Prism architecture in a virtualized environment: This topic focuses on best practices for deploying Blue Prism in virtual environments. It assesses the skills of a technical architect in optimizing performance and scalability while considering the unique constraints and benefits of virtualization.
  • Module 3: Managing User Access via Active Directory Integration: Here, aspiring Blue Prism technical architect will need to demonstrate proficiency in integrating Blue Prism with Active Directory to manage user access.
  • Module 4: Secure Storage and Management of Access Credentials: This ATA02 exam topic is about implementing strategies for secure credential storage and management within Blue Prism. It measures your expertise in protecting sensitive data and maintaining robust security protocols.
  • Module 5: Component remote access and considerations regarding appropriate tools: Understanding remote access tools and protocols for Blue Prism components is crucial. This topic evaluates the knowledge of a technical architect in setting up and managing remote access while ensuring operational efficiency and security.
  • Module 6: Infrastructure Component Monitoring: Effective monitoring of Blue Prism infrastructure components is key for maintaining system health. This section tests the ability of a technical architect to implement monitoring strategies that ensure reliable performance and prompt issue resolution.
  • Module 7: Database Provisioning and Maintenance: This ATA02 exam topic covers the setup and ongoing maintenance of Blue Prism database servers. It assesses the capability to manage database performance, integrity, and availability, crucial for supporting Blue Prism operations.
  • Module 8: Windows and Application Authentication: Proficiency in Windows and application authentication mechanisms is tested here. This ATA02 exam section evaluates the understanding of Blue Prism technical architect about authentication protocols and their integration within the Blue Prism environment for enhanced security.
  • Module 9: Securing Network Connectivity Across Components: Ensuring secure communication between Blue Prism components is essential. This topic focuses on implementing and managing secure network connectivity, safeguarding data integrity and system interactions.


Exam Name: Designing a Blue Prism Environment (Version 6.0)
Exam Code: ATA02
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism Technical Architect Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Actual Exam Duration: 75 Minutes
Number of ATA02 practice questions in our database: 
Expected ATA02 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :

  • Module 1: Component architecture and implementation options: In the Blue Prism ATA02 exam, understanding the component architecture involves knowledge of various Blue Prism elements and how they interact. This topic tests the ability of a technical architect to design and implement efficient solutions tailored for complex technical architectures.
  • Module 2: Designing a SS&C Blue Prism architecture in a virtualized environment: This topic focuses on best practices for deploying Blue Prism in virtual environments. It assesses the skills of a technical architect in optimizing performance and scalability while considering the unique constraints and benefits of virtualization.
  • Module 3: Managing User Access via Active Directory Integration: Here, aspiring Blue Prism technical architect will need to demonstrate proficiency in integrating Blue Prism with Active Directory to manage user access.
  • Module 4: Secure Storage and Management of Access Credentials: This ATA02 exam topic is about implementing strategies for secure credential storage and management within Blue Prism. It measures your expertise in protecting sensitive data and maintaining robust security protocols.
  • Module 5: Component remote access and considerations regarding appropriate tools: Understanding remote access tools and protocols for Blue Prism components is crucial. This topic evaluates the knowledge of a technical architect in setting up and managing remote access while ensuring operational efficiency and security.
  • Module 6: Infrastructure Component Monitoring: Effective monitoring of Blue Prism infrastructure components is key for maintaining system health. This section tests the ability of a technical architect to implement monitoring strategies that ensure reliable performance and prompt issue resolution.
  • Module 7: Database Provisioning and Maintenance: This ATA02 exam topic covers the setup and ongoing maintenance of Blue Prism database servers. It assesses the capability to manage database performance, integrity, and availability, crucial for supporting Blue Prism operations.
  • Module 8: Windows and Application Authentication: Proficiency in Windows and application authentication mechanisms is tested here. This ATA02 exam section evaluates the understanding of Blue Prism technical architect about authentication protocols and their integration within the Blue Prism environment for enhanced security.
  • Module 9: Securing Network Connectivity Across Components: Ensuring secure communication between Blue Prism components is essential. This topic focuses on implementing and managing secure network connectivity, safeguarding data integrity and system interactions.


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Q1. Which of the following should be taken into account, when designing the security model for a Blue Prism environment? (select 5)

A.Integration with Active Directory

B. The location of the credential store keys

C. Integration with an external LDAP service

D. The encryption method for the credential store

E. The encryption method for the operational communications between database server and runtimes

F. The separation of duties between roles and environments

G. Remote access to the Blue Prism components

Correct Answer: A, B, D, F, G

Q2. What devices may a Runtime Resource receive INSTRUCTIONAL communications from? (select 4)

A.Active Directory Domain Controllers

B. Blue Prism Interactive Clients

C. Blue Prism Application Server(s)

D. Other Blue Prism Runtime Resources

E. Third party systems accessing Blue Prism web services

F. Blue Prism Credential Manager

Correct Answer: B, C, D, E

Q3. Which of the following is most likely to have the BIGGEST impact on database growth? (select 2)

A.The level of session logging that is configured for each stage of each Business Object and Process B. Session logging archiving policy

B. The number of Blue Prism users

C. The number of Runtime Resources that are registered

D. Whether Active Queues are used

Correct Answer: A, C

Q4. Which of the following statements are true, when considering the security of INSTRUCTIONAL communications to runtime resources? (select 3)

A.By default the connection is native TCP and not encrypted

B. The runtime resource can be configured to use certificate-based encryption for all inbound communication

C. The login agent will automatically use a certificate if the runtime resource is configured to use one

D. The connection will be established via NET remoting and will be encrypted as long as the 'Use Secure Connections' flag is set

E. A central setting within Blue Prism can be used to prevent all associated Runtime Resources from accepting any instructional communications which are not encrypted.

Correct Answer: B, D, E

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