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Blue Prism ASD01 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Designing Blue Prism Process Solutions
Exam Code: ASD01
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism Solution Designer Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Number of ASD01 practice questions in our database:
Expected ASD01 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :

  • Module 1: Designing for unattended automation
  • Module 2: Workload management/ Web services
  • Module 3: Data management/ Case management/ Object design
  • Module 4: Recoverability and scalability/ Sub-processes and wrapper objects


Exam Name: Designing Blue Prism Process Solutions
Exam Code: ASD01
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism Solution Designer Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Number of ASD01 practice questions in our database:
Expected ASD01 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :

  • Module 1: Designing for unattended automation
  • Module 2: Workload management/ Web services
  • Module 3: Data management/ Case management/ Object design
  • Module 4: Recoverability and scalability/ Sub-processes and wrapper objects


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Q1. If a solution is to make use of a queue with Maximum Attempts greater than 1. what should the designer put in place? (select 2 responses)

A.A decision whether or not to use an available retry item after marking an item complete.

B. A decision whether or not to use an available retry item after marking an item as an exception.

C. A decision whether or not to use an available retry item before marking an item complete

D. A decision whether or not to use an available retry item before marking an item as an exception

E. Logic to ensure that the next attempt to work a case is executed on a different machine from the previous attempt.

F. Logic to ensure that the next attempt to work a case is executed on the same machine as the previous attempt.

G. Logic to identify the progress made by previous attempts to work a case.

Correct Answer: B, F

Q2. Imagine a DR scenario where the main Production database goes down one afternoon. All processes use work queues and all new work is loaded first thing each morning. The database is backed up regularly but not in real time, so the restored back up will be slightly out of date, say by 1 hour. If the backup was restored, and processes were restarted what would be the effect? (select 2 responses)

A.The processes would resume with the queue item being worked at the time of the incident

B. The processes would resume with the next available queue item

C. The queue item being worked at the time of the incident would be automatically marked as an exception.

D. The queue item being worked at the time of the incident would need to be manually marked as an exception.

E. The work queue would automatically ensure no cases is duplicated.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q3. A process is required for a telecoms company to work cases supplied via a daily Excel file Although the file will only contain around 1000 rows, the average case time is such that the workload is far too big for one machine to complete in a day, so the solution has been designed with multiple machines in mind. One machine will load the work queue while the others wait, then once the queue is ready all machines will work it together. The requirements state that the input file is machine generated, has a known format is generally clean but may contain exceptions - rows with an empty cell, partial phone numbers, or accounts that don't exist. What should the solution do to combat this problem?

A.The solution should read the file and load the queue without validating the data The data validation should be the first step in working a queue item, with invalid cases marked as exceptions.

B. The solution should open the file and delete any row with either missing, incomplete or invalid data. Then the clean' file should be read and the resulting collection added to the queue.

C. The solution should read the file and then loop through the resulting collection and discard any row with either missing, incomplete or invalid data. Then the 'clean' collection should then be loaded into the queue

D. The solution should validate the data and check that the accounts exist in the target applications beforehand, so that only clean cases are loaded into the queue.

E. The solution should apply a filter to the Excel file to hide any row with empty cells and only load the complete rows.

Correct Answer: C

Q4. An Insurance company has created 4 Blue Prism processes: 1. Change of Address 2 Claims Processing 3 Renewals 4 Order Letter The Order Letter process is not a published process but is called as a sub process by each of the 3 other processes. Each day at 6am a scheduler starts: * 3 instances of the Renewals process on the same virtual machine * 2 instances of the Claims Processing process on 2 different virtual machines * 1 instance of the Change of Address process on its own virtual machine How many licenses will be consumed by the running processes?


B. 6

C. 4

D. 3

Correct Answer: C

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