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Blue Prism ARA02 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Blue Prism Certified ROM Architect Exam (Version 2)
Exam Code: ARA02
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism ROM Architect Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Number of ARA02 practice questions in our database: 
Expected ARA02 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :

  • Module 1: Blue Prism Robotic Operating Model (ROM) & Enterprise Maturity Model: This section explores the framework for deploying and managing robotic automation within your organization. It covers aspects like governance, infrastructure, development, and operations.
  • Module 2: Enterprise Maturity Model: This section helps to understand how your organization progresses in RPA adoption, from initial stages to advanced optimization.
  • Module 3: Importance of a Clear Vision for RPA: In this section, the focus is on the need for a well-defined strategy for RPA implementation. It clarifies aligning automation initiatives with overall business goals and objectives.
  • Module 4: Approaches to Business Integration Across the Organization: This topic explores how Blue Prism integrates with existing enterprise systems like ERP, CRM, and others. It covers methods for data exchange and seamless workflow automation.
  • Module 5: Understanding Different RPA Organizational Models: This section explains various models for structuring your RPA team, such as centralized, decentralized, or a hybrid approach. You’ll learn about the pros and cons of each model.
  • Module 6: Skills Required for Running a Successful Blue Prism Deployment: In this section, the focus is on key skills needed within your team, including developers, process analysts, governance specialists, and support personnel.
  • Module 7: Pipeline Management, Process Discovery & Governance Controls: This section covers managing the RPA pipeline (identifying, prioritizing, and deploying automation opportunities), process discovery techniques (finding suitable processes for automation), and the importance of governance controls (ensuring responsible and compliant automation).


Exam Name: Blue Prism Certified ROM Architect Exam (Version 2)
Exam Code: ARA02
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism ROM Architect Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Number of ARA02 practice questions in our database: 
Expected ARA02 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :

  • Module 1: Blue Prism Robotic Operating Model (ROM) & Enterprise Maturity Model: This section explores the framework for deploying and managing robotic automation within your organization. It covers aspects like governance, infrastructure, development, and operations.
  • Module 2: Enterprise Maturity Model: This section helps to understand how your organization progresses in RPA adoption, from initial stages to advanced optimization.
  • Module 3: Importance of a Clear Vision for RPA: In this section, the focus is on the need for a well-defined strategy for RPA implementation. It clarifies aligning automation initiatives with overall business goals and objectives.
  • Module 4: Approaches to Business Integration Across the Organization: This topic explores how Blue Prism integrates with existing enterprise systems like ERP, CRM, and others. It covers methods for data exchange and seamless workflow automation.
  • Module 5: Understanding Different RPA Organizational Models: This section explains various models for structuring your RPA team, such as centralized, decentralized, or a hybrid approach. You’ll learn about the pros and cons of each model.
  • Module 6: Skills Required for Running a Successful Blue Prism Deployment: In this section, the focus is on key skills needed within your team, including developers, process analysts, governance specialists, and support personnel.
  • Module 7: Pipeline Management, Process Discovery & Governance Controls: This section covers managing the RPA pipeline (identifying, prioritizing, and deploying automation opportunities), process discovery techniques (finding suitable processes for automation), and the importance of governance controls (ensuring responsible and compliant automation).


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Q1. Which of the following statements best describes the ''UAT'' stage of the Delivery Methodology?

A.The UAT stage will examine the process prior to a solution design and the start of the build stage

B. The UAT stage will explain how the process will be automated

C. The UAT stage will be the automated solution's introduction to the complete end-to-end business process

D. The UAT stage will confirm the readiness of the automation to deploy into the production environment

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which of the following would not typically be a stakeholder in an RPA Governance Board?

A.IT Representatives

B. HR Representatives

C. Business Representatives

D. Head of RPA

Correct Answer: B

Q3. Which of the following statements best describes the ''UAT'' stage of the Delivery Methodology?

A.The UAT stage will examine the process prior to a solution design and the start of the build stage

B. The UAT stage will explain how the process will be automated

C. The UAT stage will be the automated solution's introduction to the complete end-to-end business process

D. The UAT stage will confirm the readiness of the automation to deploy into the production environment

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which of the following is an outcome of the Blue Prism Delivery Methodology?

A.Creating re-usable resilient and scalable assets that reduce delivery effort and long term service costs

B. Reducing test phases by introducing production data later than traditional SDLCs

C. Mitigating risk by providing late visibility of potential issues

D. Providing best practice that reduces the potential for automation and accelerates development

Correct Answer: A

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