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Blue Prism AIE02 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Installing and Configuring a Blue Prism (Version 6.0) Environment
Exam Code: AIE02
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism Installation Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of AIE02 practice questions in our database: 
Expected AIE02 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :

  • Module 1: General Component Knowledge: In the Blue Prism AIE02 exam, this topic measures your understanding of the various Blue Prism components and their functionalities. As an installation engineer, you will need to demonstrate proficiency in identifying and explaining each component role in the automation environment.
  • Module 2: Configuring Application Servers: The topic evaluates your ability to set up and configure the servers that host Blue Prism applications. It also assesses your skills in ensuring that application servers are correctly configured for optimal performance and reliability in a Blue Prism environment.
  • Module 3: Configuring Runtime Resources: To cover this topic, installation engineers will need to show expertise in setting up resources that are responsible for executing automated processes. This topic is crucial for ensuring that your Blue Prism processes run smoothly and efficiently.
  • Module 4: Configuring Interactive Clients: The topic is about setting up and managing configurations for interactive clients. This involves ensuring that clients are properly configured to interact with Blue Prism automation processes.
  • Module 5: Configuring a Blue Prism Database: This AIE02 exam topic focuses on database setup and management specific to Blue Prism. Aspiring installation engineers need to demonstrate your ability to properly configure databases to support Blue Prism operations and data management.
  • Module 6: Configuring Login Agent: In this topic, you will be evaluated on your ability to configure the Login Agent, which manages user sessions. This Blue Prism AIE02 exam topic is essential for ensuring that user logins and sessions are handled efficiently and securely.
  • Module 7: Troubleshooting: It focuses on diagnosing and resolving issues that arise during the installation and operation of Blue Prism. This topic is critical for Blue Prism installation engineers to maintain system stability and ensure smooth automation processes.


Exam Name: Installing and Configuring a Blue Prism (Version 6.0) Environment
Exam Code: AIE02
Related Certification(s): Blue Prism Installation Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Blue Prism
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of AIE02 practice questions in our database: 
Expected AIE02 Exam Topics, as suggested by Blue Prism :

  • Module 1: General Component Knowledge: In the Blue Prism AIE02 exam, this topic measures your understanding of the various Blue Prism components and their functionalities. As an installation engineer, you will need to demonstrate proficiency in identifying and explaining each component role in the automation environment.
  • Module 2: Configuring Application Servers: The topic evaluates your ability to set up and configure the servers that host Blue Prism applications. It also assesses your skills in ensuring that application servers are correctly configured for optimal performance and reliability in a Blue Prism environment.
  • Module 3: Configuring Runtime Resources: To cover this topic, installation engineers will need to show expertise in setting up resources that are responsible for executing automated processes. This topic is crucial for ensuring that your Blue Prism processes run smoothly and efficiently.
  • Module 4: Configuring Interactive Clients: The topic is about setting up and managing configurations for interactive clients. This involves ensuring that clients are properly configured to interact with Blue Prism automation processes.
  • Module 5: Configuring a Blue Prism Database: This AIE02 exam topic focuses on database setup and management specific to Blue Prism. Aspiring installation engineers need to demonstrate your ability to properly configure databases to support Blue Prism operations and data management.
  • Module 6: Configuring Login Agent: In this topic, you will be evaluated on your ability to configure the Login Agent, which manages user sessions. This Blue Prism AIE02 exam topic is essential for ensuring that user logins and sessions are handled efficiently and securely.
  • Module 7: Troubleshooting: It focuses on diagnosing and resolving issues that arise during the installation and operation of Blue Prism. This topic is critical for Blue Prism installation engineers to maintain system stability and ensure smooth automation processes.


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Q1. How can a login Agent Runtime Resources be instructed to encrypt new inbounds connection

A.It can't- the Agent does not accept inbound connections

B. The configurations file for Login Agent can be manually updates to instruct it to specify the SSLCert switch when it starts

C. Login Agent automatically enforces encrypted communication

D. The connection to the Blue Prism Server should be set to use a WCF mode that provides Encryption

Correct Answer: A

Q2. What are the steps required to create a Blue Prism database that will support Blue Prism Single Sign-on? (select two)

A.When using the m-product Create Database functionality select to create a database that will use Blue Prism single sign-on

B. After using the m-product Create Database functionality, use the Configure Database functionality to configure it for single sign-on

C. Use SQL Management Studio, use the CreateScript that is specific to SSO environment to create the database

D. Using SQL Management Studio create a database, manually run the CreateScript provided by Blue Prism. then use the m-product 'Configure Database' functionality

Correct Answer: B, D

Q3. What are benefits of Login Agent? (select four)

A.Provides a Login Agent Runtime Resource which can receive simple instructions Prior being in a logged in state

B. Allows a Login Agent Runtime Resource lo immediately automatically login using saved credentials as part of a device reboot

C. Removes the requirement for locally stored device credentials

D. Provides the ability to manually instruct login Agent Runtime Resource to login

E. Provides the ability to schedule when a Login Agent Runtime Resource will be logged in

F. Allows processes which interact with locally installed application lo be executed without the device being logged in

Correct Answer: B, C, D, E

Q4. What BPServer exe profile name is the default Blue Prism Server service configured to use? (select one)

A.It will use the profile within is configured with the ''Is Default* ftag

B. It will use the first profile when ordered alphabetic ally

C. It will use the last profile when ordered alphabetically

D. It will use She profile named 'Default

Correct Answer: D

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