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BCS PDP9 Exam Dumps And Updated Questions

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Exam Name: BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection
Exam Code: PDP9
Related Certification(s): BCS Information security and data protection Certifications
Certification Provider: BCS
Number of PDP9 practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: Feb. 06, 2025)
Expected PDP9 Exam Topics, as suggested by BCS :

  • Module 1: Define the following key items of terminology/ Identify the accountability and data governance obligation
  • Module 2: Identify how the use of cookies and digital technologies is governed by data protection law
  • Module 3: Explain the rules for processing criminal offence data/ Demonstrate the process of conducting a DPIA
  • Module 4: Explain how a data protection complaint should be handled/ Analyse the impact of AI on the principles and concepts of data protection
  • Module 5: Demonstrate how to adopt a ‘data protection by design and by default’ approach
  • Module 6: Identify the role of tribunal and judicial courts/ Analyse the benefits versus the risks of AI for individuals and organisations
  • Module 7: Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the key rights granted to individuals/ Describe the act of processing under the authority of a controller or processor
  • Module 8: Explain how data protection legislation applies to children/ Recognise the data protection implications of the Employment Practices Code
  • Module 9: Explain when the obligations arise to report breaches of personal data/ Describe the restrictions and exemptions that may affect data subject rights
  • Module 10: Explain the role of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)/ Express awareness of the following rights in addition to the above


Exam Name: BCS Practitioner Certificate in Data Protection
Exam Code: PDP9
Related Certification(s): BCS Information security and data protection Certifications
Certification Provider: BCS
Number of PDP9 practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: Feb. 06, 2025)
Expected PDP9 Exam Topics, as suggested by BCS :

  • Module 1: Define the following key items of terminology/ Identify the accountability and data governance obligation
  • Module 2: Identify how the use of cookies and digital technologies is governed by data protection law
  • Module 3: Explain the rules for processing criminal offence data/ Demonstrate the process of conducting a DPIA
  • Module 4: Explain how a data protection complaint should be handled/ Analyse the impact of AI on the principles and concepts of data protection
  • Module 5: Demonstrate how to adopt a ‘data protection by design and by default’ approach
  • Module 6: Identify the role of tribunal and judicial courts/ Analyse the benefits versus the risks of AI for individuals and organisations
  • Module 7: Demonstrate a detailed knowledge of the key rights granted to individuals/ Describe the act of processing under the authority of a controller or processor
  • Module 8: Explain how data protection legislation applies to children/ Recognise the data protection implications of the Employment Practices Code
  • Module 9: Explain when the obligations arise to report breaches of personal data/ Describe the restrictions and exemptions that may affect data subject rights
  • Module 10: Explain the role of the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)/ Express awareness of the following rights in addition to the above


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Q1. When were data protection rights first introduced into UK law'?

A.2000 (Data Protection Act 1998)

B. 1992 (Data Protection Act 1992).

C. 1984 (Data Protection Act 1984).

D. 2018 (Data Protection Act 2018)

Correct Answer: C

Q2. Which of the following statements MOST accurately describes the potential impact of Al on the principle of transparency?

A.Data subjects should generally expect Al to be present in processing activities

B. Transparency requirements do not apply to Al, as it is always compatible with original purposes

C. Al can lead to invisible processing, with data subjects not being aware of its presence.

D. Transparency requirements do not apply to Al, as there is a relevant exemption

Correct Answer: C

Q3. When were data protection rights first introduced into UK law'?

A.2000 (Data Protection Act 1998)

B. 1992 (Data Protection Act 1992).

C. 1984 (Data Protection Act 1984).

D. 2018 (Data Protection Act 2018)

Correct Answer: C

Q4. Which of the following statements MOST accurately describes the potential impact of Al on the principle of transparency?

A.Data subjects should generally expect Al to be present in processing activities

B. Transparency requirements do not apply to Al, as it is always compatible with original purposes

C. Al can lead to invisible processing, with data subjects not being aware of its presence.

D. Transparency requirements do not apply to Al, as there is a relevant exemption

Correct Answer: C

Q5. When were data protection rights first introduced into UK law'?

A.2000 (Data Protection Act 1998)

B. 1992 (Data Protection Act 1992).

C. 1984 (Data Protection Act 1984).

D. 2018 (Data Protection Act 2018)

Correct Answer: C

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