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BCS BAPv5 Dumps and Updated Info

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Exam Name: BCS Practitioner Certificate in Business Analysis Practice 5.1
Exam Code: BAPv5
Related Certification(s): BCS Business Analysis Certification
Certification Provider: BCS
Number of BAPv5 practice questions in our database: 70 (updated: Feb. 07, 2025)
Expected BAPv5 Exam Topics, as suggested by BCS :

  • Module 1: Strategic Context for Business Analysis: This section of the exam covers the purpose of an organization’s vision. how to apply a suitable technique to analyze the internal environment of an organization and use a suitable technique to analyze the external environment of an organization.
  • Module 2: Analysing and Managing Stakeholders: In this section of the exam, the topics covered explain the activities required to engage stakeholders. It also covers identifying generic stakeholder categories using the stakeholder wheel and how to utilize the CATWOE technique to analyze stakeholder perspectives.
  • Module 3: Analyzing the Current State: This section of the exam covers choosing the most viable method methods to research the business situation and how to utilize tools to represent the current business situation.
  • Module 4: Establishing the Target State: In this section, the topics covered include utilizing a business activity mode and how to pinpoint the five activities included in a BAMExplain the three types of business events.
  • Module 5: Designing and Defining the Solution: In this exam, the topics covered include how to identify the stages of Design Thinking, defining the utilization of divergent and convergent thinking, and gap analysis.
  • Module 6: Developing a Business Case: In this section of the exam, the topics covered include how to explain the rationale for the development of a business case. It also covers how to identify the contents of a business case, identify tangible and intangible costs and benefits risks and their potential impact. Moreover, the section covers how to relate the business case to the business change lifecycle.


Exam Name: BCS Practitioner Certificate in Business Analysis Practice 5.1
Exam Code: BAPv5
Related Certification(s): BCS Business Analysis Certification
Certification Provider: BCS
Number of BAPv5 practice questions in our database: 70 (updated: Feb. 07, 2025)
Expected BAPv5 Exam Topics, as suggested by BCS :

  • Module 1: Strategic Context for Business Analysis: This section of the exam covers the purpose of an organization’s vision. how to apply a suitable technique to analyze the internal environment of an organization and use a suitable technique to analyze the external environment of an organization.
  • Module 2: Analysing and Managing Stakeholders: In this section of the exam, the topics covered explain the activities required to engage stakeholders. It also covers identifying generic stakeholder categories using the stakeholder wheel and how to utilize the CATWOE technique to analyze stakeholder perspectives.
  • Module 3: Analyzing the Current State: This section of the exam covers choosing the most viable method methods to research the business situation and how to utilize tools to represent the current business situation.
  • Module 4: Establishing the Target State: In this section, the topics covered include utilizing a business activity mode and how to pinpoint the five activities included in a BAMExplain the three types of business events.
  • Module 5: Designing and Defining the Solution: In this exam, the topics covered include how to identify the stages of Design Thinking, defining the utilization of divergent and convergent thinking, and gap analysis.
  • Module 6: Developing a Business Case: In this section of the exam, the topics covered include how to explain the rationale for the development of a business case. It also covers how to identify the contents of a business case, identify tangible and intangible costs and benefits risks and their potential impact. Moreover, the section covers how to relate the business case to the business change lifecycle.


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Q1. End users in one business area are unwilling to adopt a new finance management system (recently introduced by the innovation team), as they perceive that it is unnecessarily complicated and not useful. One of the end users in this business area has been very vocal and has been relying support from others since posting about it on the company's intranet homepage. The introduction finance system was initially supported by senior managers, but now users in other business area are also beginning to question whether they adopt the tool and are raising the issue with their managers. The sponsor fully supports the decision to go ahead with the now tool and has made il very cleat to senior managers that he expects them to support this Initiative. Which stakeholder management strategy SHOULD be taken with the senior managers?

A.Keep onside.

B. Constant active management

C. Watch

D. Keep informed

Correct Answer: B

Q2. EuroCoach is a holiday coach company that Is reviewing its internal business processes. The following requirement for improvement has been logged as a business rule: 'EuroCoach Is now legally responsible for ensuring that passengers taking cross-border journeys have valid passports and visas (If applicable) tor the countries to which, and through which, they will travel' Which type of business rule is this?

A.Internal policy.

B. Internal processed

C. External requirement.

D. External constraint.

Correct Answer: C

Q3. End users in one business area are unwilling to adopt a new finance management system (recently introduced by the innovation team), as they perceive that it is unnecessarily complicated and not useful. One of the end users in this business area has been very vocal and has been relying support from others since posting about it on the company's intranet homepage. The introduction finance system was initially supported by senior managers, but now users in other business area are also beginning to question whether they adopt the tool and are raising the issue with their managers. The sponsor fully supports the decision to go ahead with the now tool and has made il very cleat to senior managers that he expects them to support this Initiative. Which stakeholder management strategy SHOULD be taken with the senior managers?

A.Keep onside.

B. Constant active management

C. Watch

D. Keep informed

Correct Answer: B

Q4. Paul has been struggling to make his farm profitable for a number of years Recently, an energy firm has asked him if it can survey his land in order to determine if there is natural gas deep under his fields If there is. they will pay him for the extracted gas. Paul has discussed this request with his business partner, explaining that he would like to explore the possibility as he feels that any subsequent extraction process is safe, will cause minimal damage to the farm, and will return the farm to profitability. Paul's business partner disagrees, believing that the process for extracting the gas is dangerous, that the machinery will spoil the landscape and that it would undermine the vision they had of living off the land. On which element of CATWOE are Paul and his business partner in disagreement?


B. Actor

C. Transformation

D. Work view

Correct Answer: D

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