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BCS AIF Exam Dumps and Updated Info

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Exam Name: BCS Foundation Certificate In Artificial Intelligence
Exam Code: AIF
Related Certification(s): BCS Artificial Intelligence AI Certification
Certification Provider: BCS
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of AIF practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: Jan. 31, 2025)
Expected AIF Exam Topics, as suggested by BCS :

  • Module 1: Recall that Ethical Purpose AI is delivered using Trustworthy AI that is technically robust/ Recall the general definition of Ethics
  • Module 2: Understand that ML is a significant contribution to the growth of Artificial Intelligence/ Describe how AI is part of ‘Universal Design,’ and ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Module 3: Describe agents in terms of performance measure, environment, actuators and sensors/ Recall the general definition of Human and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Module 4: Describe four types of agent: reflex, model-based reflex, goal-based and utility-based/ Explain the benefits of Artificial Intelligence
  • Module 5: Demonstrate understanding of the risks of AI project/ Ethical and Sustainable Human and Artificial Intelligence
  • Module 6: Demonstrate understanding of the AI intelligent agent description/ Starting AI how to build a Machine Learning Toolbox – Theory and Practice
  • Module 7: Recall which typical, narrow AI capability is useful in ML and AI agents’ functionality/ The Management, Roles and Responsibilities of humans and machines
  • Module 8: Describe a ‘learning from experience’ Agile approach to projects/ Describe the type of team members needed for an Agile project
  • Module 9: Describe the three fundamental areas of sustainability and the United Nation’s seventeen sustainability goals/ General examples of the limitations of AI systems compared to human systems
  • Module 10: Describe how we learn from data – functionality, software and hardware/ Identify the relationship of AI agents with Machine Learning (ML)
  • Module11: List common open source machine learning functionality, software and hardware/ Relate intelligent robotics to intelligent agents
  • Module 12: Identify a typical funding source for AI projects and relate to the NASA Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs)/ Describe a modern approach to Human logical levels of thinking using Robert Dilt’s Model
  • Module 13: Recall that the Human Centric Ethical Purpose Trustworthy AI is continually assessed and monitored/ Describe the difference between waterfall and agile projects
  • Module 14: List future directions of humans and machines working together/ Describe what are Ethics and Trustworthy AI, in particular
  • Module 15: Applying the benefits of AI – challenges and risks/ Describe the challenges of Artificial Intelligence


Exam Name: BCS Foundation Certificate In Artificial Intelligence
Exam Code: AIF
Related Certification(s): BCS Artificial Intelligence AI Certification
Certification Provider: BCS
Actual Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of AIF practice questions in our database: 40 (updated: Jan. 31, 2025)
Expected AIF Exam Topics, as suggested by BCS :

  • Module 1: Recall that Ethical Purpose AI is delivered using Trustworthy AI that is technically robust/ Recall the general definition of Ethics
  • Module 2: Understand that ML is a significant contribution to the growth of Artificial Intelligence/ Describe how AI is part of ‘Universal Design,’ and ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Module 3: Describe agents in terms of performance measure, environment, actuators and sensors/ Recall the general definition of Human and Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Module 4: Describe four types of agent: reflex, model-based reflex, goal-based and utility-based/ Explain the benefits of Artificial Intelligence
  • Module 5: Demonstrate understanding of the risks of AI project/ Ethical and Sustainable Human and Artificial Intelligence
  • Module 6: Demonstrate understanding of the AI intelligent agent description/ Starting AI how to build a Machine Learning Toolbox – Theory and Practice
  • Module 7: Recall which typical, narrow AI capability is useful in ML and AI agents’ functionality/ The Management, Roles and Responsibilities of humans and machines
  • Module 8: Describe a ‘learning from experience’ Agile approach to projects/ Describe the type of team members needed for an Agile project
  • Module 9: Describe the three fundamental areas of sustainability and the United Nation’s seventeen sustainability goals/ General examples of the limitations of AI systems compared to human systems
  • Module 10: Describe how we learn from data – functionality, software and hardware/ Identify the relationship of AI agents with Machine Learning (ML)
  • Module11: List common open source machine learning functionality, software and hardware/ Relate intelligent robotics to intelligent agents
  • Module 12: Identify a typical funding source for AI projects and relate to the NASA Technology Readiness Levels (TRLs)/ Describe a modern approach to Human logical levels of thinking using Robert Dilt’s Model
  • Module 13: Recall that the Human Centric Ethical Purpose Trustworthy AI is continually assessed and monitored/ Describe the difference between waterfall and agile projects
  • Module 14: List future directions of humans and machines working together/ Describe what are Ethics and Trustworthy AI, in particular
  • Module 15: Applying the benefits of AI – challenges and risks/ Describe the challenges of Artificial Intelligence


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Q1. Healthcare can benefit from Al, and in particular Machine Learning, an example of which is?

A.Autonomous wheelchairs.

B. Automated blood sampling.

C. Autonomous vehicles.

D. Diagnostic image analysis

Correct Answer: D

Q2. A human manipulates what using their intelligence?


B. Space

C. Objective

D. Mission

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Healthcare can benefit from Al, and in particular Machine Learning, an example of which is?

A.Autonomous wheelchairs.

B. Automated blood sampling.

C. Autonomous vehicles.

D. Diagnostic image analysis

Correct Answer: D

Q4. A human manipulates what using their intelligence?


B. Space

C. Objective

D. Mission

Correct Answer: A

$ 39

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