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ASQ CSSBB Exam Dumps Questions

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Exam Name: Six Sigma Black Belt
Exam Code: CSSBB
Related Certification(s): ASQ Six Sigma Black Belt CSSBB Certification
Certification Provider: ASQ
Actual Exam Duration: 150 Minutes
Number of CSSBB practice questions in our database: 230 (updated: Jan. 26, 2025)
Expected CSSBB Exam Topics, as suggested by ASQ :

  • Module 1: Identify and use the following PM tools to track projects and document their progress/ Six Sigma, lean, and continuous improvement methodologies
  • Module 2: Calculate the process capability and process sigma level for attributes data/ Relationships among business systems and processes
  • Module 3: Identify and use the following analytical tools throughout the DMAIC cycle/ Define and describe the value, foundations, philosophy, history, and goals of these approaches
  • Module 4: Calculate and interpret measures of dispersion and central tendency/ Describe the integration and complementary relationship between them
  • Module 5: Describe how an organization’s structure and culture can impact Six Sigma projects/ Fundamentals of Six Sigma and lean methodologies
  • Module 6: Define and describe sampling concepts, including representative selection, homogeneity, bias, accuracy, and precision/ Organizational roadblocks and change management
  • Module 7: Define and distinguish between population parameters and sample statistic/ Strategic planning and deployment for initiatives
  • Module 8: Explain the central limit theorem and its significance in the application of inferential statistics for confidence intervals
  • Module 9: Describe the interactive relationships among business systems, processes, and internal/ Identify common causes of Six Sigma failures
  • Module 10: Define and use nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio measurement scales/ Organizational Process Management and Measures
  • Module 11: Use gauge repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) studies and other MSA tools/ Identify and use process flow metric


Exam Name: Six Sigma Black Belt
Exam Code: CSSBB
Related Certification(s): ASQ Six Sigma Black Belt CSSBB Certification
Certification Provider: ASQ
Actual Exam Duration: 150 Minutes
Number of CSSBB practice questions in our database: 230 (updated: Jan. 26, 2025)
Expected CSSBB Exam Topics, as suggested by ASQ :

  • Module 1: Identify and use the following PM tools to track projects and document their progress/ Six Sigma, lean, and continuous improvement methodologies
  • Module 2: Calculate the process capability and process sigma level for attributes data/ Relationships among business systems and processes
  • Module 3: Identify and use the following analytical tools throughout the DMAIC cycle/ Define and describe the value, foundations, philosophy, history, and goals of these approaches
  • Module 4: Calculate and interpret measures of dispersion and central tendency/ Describe the integration and complementary relationship between them
  • Module 5: Describe how an organization’s structure and culture can impact Six Sigma projects/ Fundamentals of Six Sigma and lean methodologies
  • Module 6: Define and describe sampling concepts, including representative selection, homogeneity, bias, accuracy, and precision/ Organizational roadblocks and change management
  • Module 7: Define and distinguish between population parameters and sample statistic/ Strategic planning and deployment for initiatives
  • Module 8: Explain the central limit theorem and its significance in the application of inferential statistics for confidence intervals
  • Module 9: Describe the interactive relationships among business systems, processes, and internal/ Identify common causes of Six Sigma failures
  • Module 10: Define and use nominal, ordinal, interval, and ratio measurement scales/ Organizational Process Management and Measures
  • Module 11: Use gauge repeatability and reproducibility (R&R) studies and other MSA tools/ Identify and use process flow metric


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Q1. A set of data from a process has 8 readings per sample and 50 samples. The mean of the 50 sample means is 12.62. The mean of the 50 ranges is 0.18.Find the control limits for a median chart.

A.12.52 and 12.72

B. 12.54 and 12.70

C. 0.02 and 0.33

D. none of the above

Correct Answer: A

Q2. An x-bar and R chart is used to monitor a process. One week ago a new type of raw material was introduced and since that time 60 points have been plotted on the xbar chart and all are in the middle third of the chart. The corresponding 60 points on the R chart are all below the average range. This indicates that:

A.the operator has been plotting the points incorrectly

B. it is time to recalibrate the gage used

C. it is time to recalculate the control limits

D. the material manager should be asked to go back to the previous raw material so the charts will more accurately reflect the process

Correct Answer: C

Q3. A set of data from a process has 8 readings per sample and 50 samples. The mean of the 50 sample means is 12.62. The mean of the 50 ranges is 0.18.Find the control limits for a median chart.

A.12.52 and 12.72

B. 12.54 and 12.70

C. 0.02 and 0.33

D. none of the above

Correct Answer: A

Q4. A principle advantage of fractional factorial experimental designs is:

A.reduced cost

B. improved accuracy

C. increased confounding

D. higher confidence level

E. reduced probability of type II errors

Correct Answer: A

Q5. A quality engineer employed by a hospital is asked to improve the process of medication storage in locked cabinets near patient doors. One defect that occurs rarely is that the medication caddy is left out when the cabinet is relocked. The engineer installs a gravity activated arm that will not permit the door to close when the caddy isn't inside. This improvement is best described by which approach to problem solving?


B. Poka yoke

C. Kaizen


E. Re-engineering

Correct Answer: B

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