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APSE CESP Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Certified Employment Support Professional
Exam Code: CESP
Related Certification(s): APSE Employment Support Professional Certification
Certification Provider: APSE
Number of CESP practice questions in our database:
Expected CESP Exam Topics, as suggested by APSE :

  • Module 1: Application of Core Values and Principles to Practice: This covers sub-topics such as the right to work and equal access, equal wages, disability etiquette, people first language, job applicants strengths, full inclusion, self-determination and empowerment. It also focuses on community-based services, involvement of job seekers in the process of employment, impact of employment services history, as well as legislation, regulations, and funding related to employment services.
  • Module 2: Individualized Employment and Career Planning: The covers counseling of job applicants on rights, rapid engagement in the employment process, and interviews with applicants and others who are familiar with his/her abilities. It also focuses on benefit analysis, self-employment resources, paid trials, community based work assessment, job shadowing, referrals based on career plans, and funding limitation.
  • Module 3: Community Research and Job Development: This topic covers sub-topics such as assessment of labor market, pointing out patterns in job markets, maintaining business and job availability information, developing marketing tools for jobs landing, facilitating informational interviews, and devising strategies for job hunting. It also delves into responding to concerns of businesses about job seekers disabilities, interests, and competency.
  • Module 4: Workplace and Related Supports: The topic focuses on communication with employee and job seekers, impact of generated income on advantages, work transportation, and making sure that the employee receives typical employer training. It discusses the support the employee needs to meet employer expectations, formal apprenticeships and educational courses, and usage of data to assess job performance of an employee. Overall the topic highlights the supports that can help make a better workplace.


Exam Name: Certified Employment Support Professional
Exam Code: CESP
Related Certification(s): APSE Employment Support Professional Certification
Certification Provider: APSE
Number of CESP practice questions in our database:
Expected CESP Exam Topics, as suggested by APSE :

  • Module 1: Application of Core Values and Principles to Practice: This covers sub-topics such as the right to work and equal access, equal wages, disability etiquette, people first language, job applicants strengths, full inclusion, self-determination and empowerment. It also focuses on community-based services, involvement of job seekers in the process of employment, impact of employment services history, as well as legislation, regulations, and funding related to employment services.
  • Module 2: Individualized Employment and Career Planning: The covers counseling of job applicants on rights, rapid engagement in the employment process, and interviews with applicants and others who are familiar with his/her abilities. It also focuses on benefit analysis, self-employment resources, paid trials, community based work assessment, job shadowing, referrals based on career plans, and funding limitation.
  • Module 3: Community Research and Job Development: This topic covers sub-topics such as assessment of labor market, pointing out patterns in job markets, maintaining business and job availability information, developing marketing tools for jobs landing, facilitating informational interviews, and devising strategies for job hunting. It also delves into responding to concerns of businesses about job seekers disabilities, interests, and competency.
  • Module 4: Workplace and Related Supports: The topic focuses on communication with employee and job seekers, impact of generated income on advantages, work transportation, and making sure that the employee receives typical employer training. It discusses the support the employee needs to meet employer expectations, formal apprenticeships and educational courses, and usage of data to assess job performance of an employee. Overall the topic highlights the supports that can help make a better workplace.


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Q1. Which of the following is NOT an example of a reasonable accommodation?

A.An application in larger print

B. A wheelchair ramp

C. A headset to enable hands-free access to the phone system

D. Orientation training for new employees

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Which of the following is the BEST way to get the attention of a person with a hearing loss?

A.toss a light object at them

B. speak louder

C. grab their shoulders and turn them toward you

D. tap them lightly on the shoulder

Correct Answer: D

Q3. Which of the following is NOT an example of a reasonable accommodation?

A.An application in larger print

B. A wheelchair ramp

C. A headset to enable hands-free access to the phone system

D. Orientation training for new employees

Correct Answer: D

Q4. Under the Work Opportunities Tax Credit (WOTC) program, participating employers may do all the following EXCEPT:

A.hire members of their family who are disabled

B. hire as many new individuals who qualify for these tax savings as they need

C. make the hiring decisions

D. complete minimal paperwork to claim the tax credit

Correct Answer: A

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