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APMG-International Change-Management-Foundation Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Change Management Foundation
Exam Code: Change-Management-Foundation
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Change Management Certifications
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of Change-Management-Foundation practice questions in our database:
Expected Change-Management-Foundation Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: Introduction to Change Management: This section covers the definition and importance of change management, types of organizational change, and the role of change managers.
  • Module 2: Change Management Models and Theories: This section discusses Lewin’s 3-Stage Model, Kotter’s 8-Step Process, ADKAR Model, and Kübler-Ross Change Curve.
  • Module 3: Stakeholder Management: This section covers identifying stakeholders, stakeholder analysis techniques Engaging and communicating with stakeholders, change Impact and Readiness, conducting change impact assessments, assessing organizational readiness for change, and identifying and managing resistance to change.
  • Module 4: Communication in Change Management: This section covers developing a communication strategy communication methods and channels, and effective messaging for different stakeholder groups.
  • Module 5: Leadership and Change: In this section, the preference is given to the role of leadership in change management, change leadership styles, building and maintaining a guiding coalition, etc.
  • Module 6: Change Management Planning: This section covers creating a change management plan, integrating change management with project management, and resource allocation for change initiatives.
  • Module 7: Measuring and Sustaining Change: In this section, the focus is on the key performance indicators for change initiatives, monitoring and evaluating change progress, and strategies for sustaining change.
  • Module 8: Organizational Culture and Change: This section covers the understanding of organizational culture, the impact of culture on change initiatives, and cultural change.
  • Module 9: Ethics and Change Management: This section covers ethical considerations in change management, managing the human side of change, and organizational and individual needs.


Exam Name: Change Management Foundation
Exam Code: Change-Management-Foundation
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Change Management Certifications
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of Change-Management-Foundation practice questions in our database:
Expected Change-Management-Foundation Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: Introduction to Change Management: This section covers the definition and importance of change management, types of organizational change, and the role of change managers.
  • Module 2: Change Management Models and Theories: This section discusses Lewin’s 3-Stage Model, Kotter’s 8-Step Process, ADKAR Model, and Kübler-Ross Change Curve.
  • Module 3: Stakeholder Management: This section covers identifying stakeholders, stakeholder analysis techniques Engaging and communicating with stakeholders, change Impact and Readiness, conducting change impact assessments, assessing organizational readiness for change, and identifying and managing resistance to change.
  • Module 4: Communication in Change Management: This section covers developing a communication strategy communication methods and channels, and effective messaging for different stakeholder groups.
  • Module 5: Leadership and Change: In this section, the preference is given to the role of leadership in change management, change leadership styles, building and maintaining a guiding coalition, etc.
  • Module 6: Change Management Planning: This section covers creating a change management plan, integrating change management with project management, and resource allocation for change initiatives.
  • Module 7: Measuring and Sustaining Change: In this section, the focus is on the key performance indicators for change initiatives, monitoring and evaluating change progress, and strategies for sustaining change.
  • Module 8: Organizational Culture and Change: This section covers the understanding of organizational culture, the impact of culture on change initiatives, and cultural change.
  • Module 9: Ethics and Change Management: This section covers ethical considerations in change management, managing the human side of change, and organizational and individual needs.


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Q1. Which advantage relates to using a Persona to understand a stakeholder group?

A.Allow checking of proposed solutions against this Persona to ensure solutions provide what is needed

B. Enable a better understanding of the level of influence this stakeholder group has in the organization

C. Allow tracking of how the members of this stakeholder group performance against their objectives

D. Facilities more creative and innovative thinking amongst members of this stakeholder group

Correct Answer: A

Q2. According to Morgan, what metaphor describes an organization where formal management of change is impossible?

A.Flux and transformation

B. Machines

C. Political systems

D. Brains

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Which advantage relates to using a Persona to understand a stakeholder group?

A.Allow checking of proposed solutions against this Persona to ensure solutions provide what is needed

B. Enable a better understanding of the level of influence this stakeholder group has in the organization

C. Allow tracking of how the members of this stakeholder group performance against their objectives

D. Facilities more creative and innovative thinking amongst members of this stakeholder group

Correct Answer: A

Q4. According to Schein, which approach would decrease learning anxiety?

A.Reminding the stakeholders of all the times they have failed to change

B. Encourage staff to try new things

C. Penalising staff who make mistakes

D. Creating a sense that the organization might fail if the change is NOT made.

Correct Answer: B

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