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APMG-International Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Better Business Cases Practitioner
Exam Code: Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Better Business Cases Certification
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner practice questions in our database:
Expected Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: The Five Case Model: This fundamental framework for constructing business cases is thoroughly covered in the topic, along with the ways in which the various cases combine to create a coherent whole.
  • Module 2: Developing the Individual Cases: Five cases that includes strategic, economic, commercial, financial, and management are thoroughly covered in the topic. You’ll discover how to develop strong justifications for every aspect of the business case.
  • Module 3: Goal Setting and Objectives: A strong business case must have SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). The exam will measure how well you comprehend this procedure.
  • Module 4: Balancing Benefits, Costs, and Risks: Being able to balance a proposal’s advantages over disadvantages and potential risks is a fundamental skill. The test will evaluate your capacity to achieve this vital balance.
  • Module 5: Business Case Development Process: You’ll be tested to demonstrate your understanding of the many stages involved in developing a business case, ranging from the Strategic Outline Case (SOC) to the Full Business Case (FBC).
  • Module 6: Additional Considerations: Sub-topics are the Business Justification Case (BJC) for smaller proposals, comprehending important roles in case development, and organizing your contribution to a business case proposal.


Exam Name: Better Business Cases Practitioner
Exam Code: Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Better Business Cases Certification
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner practice questions in our database:
Expected Better-Business-Cases-Practitioner Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: The Five Case Model: This fundamental framework for constructing business cases is thoroughly covered in the topic, along with the ways in which the various cases combine to create a coherent whole.
  • Module 2: Developing the Individual Cases: Five cases that includes strategic, economic, commercial, financial, and management are thoroughly covered in the topic. You’ll discover how to develop strong justifications for every aspect of the business case.
  • Module 3: Goal Setting and Objectives: A strong business case must have SMART goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound). The exam will measure how well you comprehend this procedure.
  • Module 4: Balancing Benefits, Costs, and Risks: Being able to balance a proposal’s advantages over disadvantages and potential risks is a fundamental skill. The test will evaluate your capacity to achieve this vital balance.
  • Module 5: Business Case Development Process: You’ll be tested to demonstrate your understanding of the many stages involved in developing a business case, ranging from the Strategic Outline Case (SOC) to the Full Business Case (FBC).
  • Module 6: Additional Considerations: Sub-topics are the Business Justification Case (BJC) for smaller proposals, comprehending important roles in case development, and organizing your contribution to a business case proposal.


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Q1. The Benefits Realization Framework section states: 1. It was identified in the OBC that existing schools and universities play a major role in the success or otherwise of the Pittville project. A strategy for Learning Provider engagement is to be prepared. 2. A senior manager within the Local Education Authority is ultimately responsible for benefits realization. Which 2 statements apply to these entries?

A.Amend entry 1, because the strategy for the realization of benefits should be confirmed within the OBC.

B. Delete entry 1, because schools and universities will be responsible for the delivery of the benefits.

C. No change to entry 1, because the strategy for the realization of benefits should be revisited and re-affirmed within the FBC.

D. Amend entry 2, because the project manager is responsible for benefits realization.

E. No change to entry 2, because this is appropriate to this section.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q2. The Financial Appraisal for the new campus includes the cost of inflation over the life of the scheme. Is this an appropriate application of the Five Case Model for the project?

A.No, because the Financial Appraisal should be based on constant prices.

B. No, because it is the Economic Appraisal that should include the cost of inflation.

C. Yes, because this will be an on going cost to the new campus over the life of the scheme.

D. Yes, because all of the new campus assets will decrease in value over the life of a scheme.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. The Benefits Realization Framework section states: 1. It was identified in the OBC that existing schools and universities play a major role in the success or otherwise of the Pittville project. A strategy for Learning Provider engagement is to be prepared. 2. A senior manager within the Local Education Authority is ultimately responsible for benefits realization. Which 2 statements apply to these entries?

A.Amend entry 1, because the strategy for the realization of benefits should be confirmed within the OBC.

B. Delete entry 1, because schools and universities will be responsible for the delivery of the benefits.

C. No change to entry 1, because the strategy for the realization of benefits should be revisited and re-affirmed within the FBC.

D. Amend entry 2, because the project manager is responsible for benefits realization.

E. No change to entry 2, because this is appropriate to this section.

Correct Answer: B, C

Q4. The Local Education Authority Director has been appointed as the Senior Responsible Owner for the Western Area Learning Improvement Programme. Which action is MOST appropriate for this role?

A.Champion the project when it gets into difficulties.

B. Consider the downsizing of 11 to 18-year-old education and training provision elsewhere to offset the new campus.

C. Document the impact of the programme on the organization's income and expenditure account in the programme's business case.

D. Provide assurance that the programme has delivered its anticipated benefits.

Correct Answer: A

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