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APMG-International Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Foundation Certification Artificial Intelligence
Exam Code: Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Artificial Intelligence – AI Certification
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation practice questions in our database:
Expected Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: Essentials of AI: The definition, background, different types of AI, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, are all covered in this topic.
  • Module 2: Machine Learning: The fundamentals of machine learning are discussed in this topic, along with the different types of machine learning.
  • Module 3: Ethical and Sustainable AI: The ethical issues surrounding AI are discussed in this section, including accountability, transparency, and bias.
  • Module 4: AI and Robotics: This topic discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics interact, as well as how AI is used to create and manage robots.
  • Module 5: The Future of AI: This topic discusses the opportunities and problems that artificial intelligence (AI) presents, as well as its possible effects on society and the workplace.


Exam Name: Foundation Certification Artificial Intelligence
Exam Code: Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Artificial Intelligence – AI Certification
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation practice questions in our database:
Expected Artificial-Intelligence-Foundation Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: Essentials of AI: The definition, background, different types of AI, as well as its advantages and disadvantages, are all covered in this topic.
  • Module 2: Machine Learning: The fundamentals of machine learning are discussed in this topic, along with the different types of machine learning.
  • Module 3: Ethical and Sustainable AI: The ethical issues surrounding AI are discussed in this section, including accountability, transparency, and bias.
  • Module 4: AI and Robotics: This topic discusses how artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics interact, as well as how AI is used to create and manage robots.
  • Module 5: The Future of AI: This topic discusses the opportunities and problems that artificial intelligence (AI) presents, as well as its possible effects on society and the workplace.


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Q1. Reflex and Model-based Reflex are two types of what?


B. Artificial intelligent agents.

C. Algorithms.

D. Compilers.

Correct Answer: B

Q2. If Al undertakes routine and monotonous tasks and takes these away from humans, what will humans do?

A.Higher value work.

B. Leisure activities

C. Change jobs.

D. Sabotage the Al.

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Reflex and Model-based Reflex are two types of what?


B. Artificial intelligent agents.

C. Algorithms.

D. Compilers.

Correct Answer: B

Q4. If Al undertakes routine and monotonous tasks and takes these away from humans, what will humans do?

A.Higher value work.

B. Leisure activities

C. Change jobs.

D. Sabotage the Al.

Correct Answer: A

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