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APMG-International AgilePM-Practitioner Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: Agile Project Management (AgilePM) Practitioner
Exam Code: AgilePM-Practitioner
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Agile Project Management AgilePM Certification
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of AgilePM-Practitioner practice questions in our database: 
Expected AgilePM-Practitioner Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: People and Roles: In this section, the topics covered include various roles involved in an Agile project and how they relate to each other. The topics covered include the responsibilities of the Agile Project Manager, agile teams, and business owners.
  • Module 2: Lifecycle and Products: This section of the exam covers topics such as Agile project lifecycle, various stages of the lifecycle, agile products, Vision Documents, and Prototypes.
  • Module 3: Techniques: In this section, the topics covered various techniques that can be utilized including iterative development. Candidates are tested for their know-how of agile techniques and timeboxing.
  • Module 4: Planning and Control: In this section, the exam covers planning and control of the project and vital concepts such as estimation and iterative strategy. It also covers how to utilize MoSCoW prioritization and mitigate any risks.


Exam Name: Agile Project Management (AgilePM) Practitioner
Exam Code: AgilePM-Practitioner
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Agile Project Management AgilePM Certification
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of AgilePM-Practitioner practice questions in our database: 
Expected AgilePM-Practitioner Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: People and Roles: In this section, the topics covered include various roles involved in an Agile project and how they relate to each other. The topics covered include the responsibilities of the Agile Project Manager, agile teams, and business owners.
  • Module 2: Lifecycle and Products: This section of the exam covers topics such as Agile project lifecycle, various stages of the lifecycle, agile products, Vision Documents, and Prototypes.
  • Module 3: Techniques: In this section, the topics covered various techniques that can be utilized including iterative development. Candidates are tested for their know-how of agile techniques and timeboxing.
  • Module 4: Planning and Control: In this section, the exam covers planning and control of the project and vital concepts such as estimation and iterative strategy. It also covers how to utilize MoSCoW prioritization and mitigate any risks.


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Q1. Which 2 actions should the Technical Coordinator take to implement the new Must Have requirement?

A.Ensure that the latest version of the website design in the Solution Architecture Definition is provided to all members of the Solution Development Team.

B. Assess the impact of the new Must Have requirement on the original Business Case.

C. Add the additional tasks required to create the financial transaction functionality to the Timebox Plan.

D. Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.

E. ECheck for any documented standards which need to be applied to the development of online financial transaction functionality.

Correct Answer: A, E

Q2. Which 2 actions should the Workshop Facilitator take to implement the new Must Have requirement?

A.Add the tasks required to develop the new financial transaction functionality to the Delivery Plan.

B. Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.

C. Send a company-wide communication to explain the implications of the business change to all interested parties.

D. Assess the impact of the additional development costs on the original Business Case.

E. Encourage all parties to contribute, irrespective of their views.

Correct Answer: B, E

Q3. Which 2 actions should the Business Visionary take to implement the new Must Have requirement?

A.Send a company-wide communication to explain the implications of the business change to all interested parties.

B. Assess the impact of the new Must Have requirement on the original Business Case.

C. Source and hire a web developer with experience in developing online financial transaction functionality.

D. Ensure the marketing and sales teams are working together to deliver the most effective outcome.

E. Consolidate and circulate an agenda for the workshop.

Correct Answer: A, D

Q4. Which 2 statements explain why the Contract Architect would be an appropriate Technical Co-ordinator?

A.Is an external consultant.

B. Has good leadership skills.

C. Has experience of working with the company previously.

D. Has a good, technical understanding of the work of the other professionals engaged in the project.

E. Is an authority on local planning applications.

Correct Answer: B, D

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