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APMG-International AgileBA-Foundation Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: AgileBA (Agile Business Analysis) Foundation (2015)
Exam Code: AgileBA-Foundation
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Agile Business Analysis AgileBA Certification
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of AgileBA-Foundation practice questions in our database: 
Expected AgileBA-Foundation Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: Agile Fundamentals and the Agile BA: This topic covers fundamental Agile principles and values. Additionally, it explores the influence of Agile on the Business Analyst’s role.
  • Module 2: The Agile Business Case: You’ll learn about crafting a business case suited for Agile projects, considering factors like value delivery and continuous improvement.
  • Module 3: Stakeholders in an Agile Project: It addresses stakeholder identification and their roles. Additionally, it focuses on effective communication management with stakeholders.
  • Module 4: Requirements and User Stories: A crucial topic for BAs, this section covers user story creation, management, and techniques for effective requirement gathering in Agile.
  • Module 5: Prioritization: You’ll learn various prioritization techniques like MoSCoW used in Agile to determine the most important requirements. This section covers prioritization methods.
  • Module 6: Workshops: This section focuses on conducting workshops in Agile environments to gather requirements and facilitate communication. It includes methods for running workshops in Agile.
  • Module 7: Modeling: It covers various modeling techniques. Additionally, it includes visualizing workflows and user journeys.


Exam Name: AgileBA (Agile Business Analysis) Foundation (2015)
Exam Code: AgileBA-Foundation
Related Certification(s): APMG-International Agile Business Analysis AgileBA Certification
Certification Provider: APMG-International
Number of AgileBA-Foundation practice questions in our database: 
Expected AgileBA-Foundation Exam Topics, as suggested by APMG-International :

  • Module 1: Agile Fundamentals and the Agile BA: This topic covers fundamental Agile principles and values. Additionally, it explores the influence of Agile on the Business Analyst’s role.
  • Module 2: The Agile Business Case: You’ll learn about crafting a business case suited for Agile projects, considering factors like value delivery and continuous improvement.
  • Module 3: Stakeholders in an Agile Project: It addresses stakeholder identification and their roles. Additionally, it focuses on effective communication management with stakeholders.
  • Module 4: Requirements and User Stories: A crucial topic for BAs, this section covers user story creation, management, and techniques for effective requirement gathering in Agile.
  • Module 5: Prioritization: You’ll learn various prioritization techniques like MoSCoW used in Agile to determine the most important requirements. This section covers prioritization methods.
  • Module 6: Workshops: This section focuses on conducting workshops in Agile environments to gather requirements and facilitate communication. It includes methods for running workshops in Agile.
  • Module 7: Modeling: It covers various modeling techniques. Additionally, it includes visualizing workflows and user journeys.


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Q1. In the KANO Model, what is NOT one of the three distinct types of customer need?

A.Expected (Will)

B. Normal (Want)

C. Exciters (Wow)

D. Teasers (When)

Correct Answer: D

Q2. Which of the following is a DSDM Principle?

A.Build incrementally from firm foundations

B. Building iteratively from Feasibility onwards

C. Build incrementally in Timeboxes

D. Build continuously from Foundations onwards

Correct Answer: A

Q3. In the KANO Model, what is NOT one of the three distinct types of customer need?

A.Expected (Will)

B. Normal (Want)

C. Exciters (Wow)

D. Teasers (When)

Correct Answer: D

Q4. What does an Agile project environment require of Stakeholders?

A.Ownership and Control

B. Trust and Partnership

C. Command and Control

D. Responsibility and Authority

Correct Answer: B

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