Exam Name: Android Applications UI/UX Design and Monetization Techniques
Exam Code: AND-803
Related Certification(s): Android Certified Application Engineer Certification
Certification Provider: Android
Number of AND-803 practice questions in our database:
Expected AND-803 Exam Topics, as suggested by Android :
- Module 1: Adding Licensing and Analytics to your Application/ Compatibility, performance and stability
- Module 2: Setting up Google Play Licensing Service in Android Studio/ Elements of Wireframes and Prototypes
- Module 3: Adding In-App Ads to Your Android Application/ Uses of App Wireframes and Prototypes
- Module 4: Visual design and user’s interaction/ Usability Testing by Par ticipant
- Module 5: Setting up Google Mobile Analytics in Android Studio/ Understanding Users’ and Business needs
- Module 6: Signing your Application Using Android Studio/ Releasing your App through an Application Marketplace
- Module 7: Creating an AdMob Account and an Ad Unit In-App/ Wireframe Tools for Mobile Apps
- Module 8: Adding Google Play Services to Your Project/ Different Monetization Techniques
- Module 9: Usability and User’s Feeling/ Setting up a Test Environment
- Module 10: The differ ence between Wireframe and Prototype/ The Difference between UI and UX Design
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