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Amazon CLF-C02 Exam Questions

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Exam Name: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam
Exam Code: CLF-C02
Related Certification(s): Amazon Foundational Certification
Certification Provider: Amazon
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of CLF-C02 practice questions in our database: 705

Expected CLF-C02 Exam Topics, as suggested by Amazon :

  • Module 1: Cloud Concepts: This section involves knowledge of value proposition and exploring design rules of AWS. It covers the advantages of techniques for moving over to AWS cloud and developing a good understanding of cloud economics.
  • Module 2: Security and Compliance: This section involves understanding the shared responsibility framework of AWS in addition to compliance and governance. It also involves exploring the management capabilities of AWS by exploring its security capabilities.
  • Module 3: Cloud Technology and Services: Describe ways to access AWS services in AWS Cloud and explore connectivity options. It deals with defining the global infrastructure of AWS and compute services as well as network services.
  • Module 4: Billing, Pricing, and Support: This section involves contrasting different pricing methods and budgeting resources management. It also tests understanding of billing methods, identifying support options, and technical resources.


Exam Name: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam
Exam Code: CLF-C02
Related Certification(s): Amazon Foundational Certification
Certification Provider: Amazon
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of CLF-C02 practice questions in our database: 705

Expected CLF-C02 Exam Topics, as suggested by Amazon :

  • Module 1: Cloud Concepts: This section involves knowledge of value proposition and exploring design rules of AWS. It covers the advantages of techniques for moving over to AWS cloud and developing a good understanding of cloud economics.
  • Module 2: Security and Compliance: This section involves understanding the shared responsibility framework of AWS in addition to compliance and governance. It also involves exploring the management capabilities of AWS by exploring its security capabilities.
  • Module 3: Cloud Technology and Services: Describe ways to access AWS services in AWS Cloud and explore connectivity options. It deals with defining the global infrastructure of AWS and compute services as well as network services.
  • Module 4: Billing, Pricing, and Support: This section involves contrasting different pricing methods and budgeting resources management. It also tests understanding of billing methods, identifying support options, and technical resources.


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Q1. A company notices suspicious network activity against an application that is running on a fleet of Amazon EC2 instances. The suspicious activity is coming from a single IP address. Which AWS service should the company use to block access from this IP address?

A.AWS Shield

B. AWS Config

C. Amazon GuardDuty


Correct Answer: D

Q2. A company purchased Amazon EC2 Standard Reserved Instances (Rls) for a workload in the AWS Cloud. The company needs to move part of the workload to an instance family that does not match the instance family of these Standard RIs. How can the company take advantage of the Standard RIs that it no longer needs?

A.Contact the AWS Support team, and ask the team to sell the Standard RIs.

B. Sell the Standard RIs on the Amazon EC2 Reserved Instance Marketplace.

C. Sell the Standard RIs as a third-party seller on the AWS Marketplace.

D. Convert the Standard RIs to Savings Plans.

Correct Answer: B

Q3. A company needs to store infrequently used data for data archives and long-term backups. Which AWS service or storage class will meet these requirements MOST cost-effectively?

A.Amazon FSx for Lustre

B. Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)

C. Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS)

D. Amazon S3 Glacier Flexible Retrieval

Correct Answer: D

Q4. A company is releasing a business-critical application. Before the release, the company needs strategic planning assistance from AWS. During the release, the company needs AWS infrastructure event management and real-time support. What should the company do to meet these requirement?

A.Access AWS Trusted Advisor.

B. Contact the AWS Partner Network (APN).

C. Sign up for AWS Enterprise Support

D. Contact AWS Professional Services.

Correct Answer: C

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