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Alibaba ACP-Sec1 Exam Dumps

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Exam Name: ACP Cloud Security Certification Exam
Exam Code: ACP-Sec1
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional ACP Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ACP-Sec1 practice questions in our database: 
Expected ACP-Sec1 Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Characteristics, application scenarios and features of Alibaba Cloud security management-related products
  • Module 2: Cloud computing-related product (ECS, Server Load Balancer, OSS, RDS, VPC and CDN) content
  • Module 3: Core security products: basic operations and management of Anti-DDoS, Security Center, SSL Certificate, Content Moderation, Key Management Service
  • Module 4: Cloud service-related basic security protocols such as HTTP, FTP, TCP, UDP and ICMP/ Understanding common security risks of the above products
  • Module 5: Characteristic, application scenarios, competitive edges and features of Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDos and WAF
  • Module 6: Security application solution design, such as correct understanding and handling after receiving alerts from the console, e-mails or text messages
  • Module 7: Discovering DDoS attacks, brute force password cracking attacks/ Security advantages of their combined solutions
  • Module 8: web SQL injections among other common security risks and taking appropriate measures for protection
  • Module 9: Understanding the positioning, main features, working principles and application scenarios of the above products


Exam Name: ACP Cloud Security Certification Exam
Exam Code: ACP-Sec1
Related Certification(s): Alibaba Cloud Certified Professional ACP Certification
Certification Provider: Alibaba
Actual Exam Duration: 90 Minutes
Number of ACP-Sec1 practice questions in our database: 
Expected ACP-Sec1 Exam Topics, as suggested by Alibaba :

  • Module 1: Characteristics, application scenarios and features of Alibaba Cloud security management-related products
  • Module 2: Cloud computing-related product (ECS, Server Load Balancer, OSS, RDS, VPC and CDN) content
  • Module 3: Core security products: basic operations and management of Anti-DDoS, Security Center, SSL Certificate, Content Moderation, Key Management Service
  • Module 4: Cloud service-related basic security protocols such as HTTP, FTP, TCP, UDP and ICMP/ Understanding common security risks of the above products
  • Module 5: Characteristic, application scenarios, competitive edges and features of Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDos and WAF
  • Module 6: Security application solution design, such as correct understanding and handling after receiving alerts from the console, e-mails or text messages
  • Module 7: Discovering DDoS attacks, brute force password cracking attacks/ Security advantages of their combined solutions
  • Module 8: web SQL injections among other common security risks and taking appropriate measures for protection
  • Module 9: Understanding the positioning, main features, working principles and application scenarios of the above products


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Q1. Among various types of network attacks, "phishing" is one of the most common attacks. A phishing website looks exactly the same as the real website It asks visitors to login with their accounts and passwords; at the same time, record these privacy information for illegal purpose. Which of the following statements about how phishing websites are spread is FALSE?

A.Banks publish phishing website links in prominent positions on their official websites

B. Phishing website links are sent through Facebook. Twitter and other IM(instant Messenger) applications.

C. Advertisements are pushed to search engines and small and medium websites, attracting users to click the phishing website links.

D. Phishing website links are published in batches through emails forums, blogs, and SNS(Social Network Sites).

Correct Answer: A

Q2. When the agent of Alibaba Cloud Security Center running on a server, it normally uses less than 1% of the CPU and 10 MB of memory, which can void affecting the server's performance


B. False

Correct Answer: A

Q3. Clean bandwidth refers to the maximum normal clean bandwidth that can be processed by Anti-DDoS Premium instances when your business is not under attack. Make sure that the Clean bandwidth of the instance is greater than the peak value of the inbound or outbound traffic of all services connected to the Anti-DDoS Premium instances If the actual traffic volume exceeds the maximum Clean bandwidth, your business may be subject to traffic restrictions or random packet losses, and your normal business may be unavailable, slowed, or delayed for a certain period of time


B. False

Correct Answer: A

Q4. Alibaba Cloud's Content Moderation service cannot detect advertising or spam content.


B. False

Correct Answer: B

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