- Module 1: Create container images for lightweight application packaging using Docker/ Deploy and configure ECS on Alibaba Cloud
- Module 2: Setup applications directly with Alibaba Cloud Function Compute, Serverless Workflow and API/ Setup remote access to ECS
- Module 3: Run containers by using Alibaba Cloud Elastic Container Instance (ECI)/ Create ECS images to package application and runtime environments for easy distribution
- Module 4: Connect to Alibaba Cloud Object Storage Service (OSS) through both private and public network endpoints/ Set up applications using Simple Application Server
- Module 5: Connect with Alibaba Cloud Relational Database Service (RDS) through both private and public network endpoints/ Publish container images to Alibaba Cloud Container Registry (ACR)
- Module 6: Implement solutions to interact with Alibaba Cloud Message Queues/ Use Alibaba Cloud CLI and SDK to manage cloud resources
- Module 7: Create and manage keys, secrets, and certificates using KMS and SSL Certificate Service/ Set and retrieve properties and metadata for data in various storage services
- Module 8: Implement autoscaling rules, including scheduled autoscaling, and scaling by operational or system metrics/ Use Tracing Analysis to debug and analyze application issues
- Module 9: Create and implement secret key based access signatures/ Implement solutions to interact with Alibaba Cloud Message Service
- Module 10: Know how to select different types of NoSQL database for different application scenarios/ Setting up CDN and Redis for content acceleration
- Module 11: Use Cloud Monitor to monitor application resource usage and health status/ Migrate data from a local environment to OSS or RDS
12: Interact with data using the appropriate SDK/ Configure authentication for APIs calls/ Monitoring, Debugging and Optimization
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